Marchetti / Cherubini / Garofalo Geymonat | Global Domestic Workers | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 178 Seiten

Marchetti / Cherubini / Garofalo Geymonat Global Domestic Workers

Intersectional Inequalities and Struggles for Rights

E-Book, Englisch, 178 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-5292-0791-0
Verlag: Bristol University Press
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence.
Drawing from the EU-funded DomEQUAL research project across 9 countries in Europe, South America and Asia, this comparative study explores the conditions of domestic workers around the world and the campaigns they are conducting to improve their labour rights.
The book showcases how domestic workers’ movements put ‘intersectionality in action’ in representing the interest of various marginalized social groups from migrants and low-income groups to racialized and rural girls and women.
Casting light on issues such as subjectification, and collective organizing on the part of a category of workers conventionally regarded as unorganizable, this ambitious volume will be invaluable for scholars, policy makers and activists alike.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Scenarios of Domestic Work
Chapter 3. Global Rights and Local Struggles
Chapter 4. Domestic Workers Making Intersectionality
Chapter 5. DFeminism and Domestic Workers: Different Positionalities, Discursive Convergences
Chapter 6. Conclusion: Intersectionality in Action

Marchetti, Sabrina
Sabrina Marchetti is Associate Professor in Sociology at University Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

Cherubini, Daniela
Daniela Cherubini is Assistant Professor of Sociology of Culture at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Garofalo Geymonat, Giulia
Giulia Garofalo Geymonat is Research Fellow in Sociology at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

Sabrina Marchetti is Associate Professor in Sociology at University Ca’ Foscari in Venice.
Daniela Cherubini is Assistant Professor of Sociology of Culture at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Giulia Garofalo Geymonat is Research Fellow in Sociology at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

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