Matthiesen / Binder | How to Survive your Doctorate | Buch | 978-0-335-23996-2 |

Buch, Englisch

Matthiesen / Binder

How to Survive your Doctorate

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23996-2
Verlag: Open University Press

If you are doing, thinking about doing, or know someone who is doing a doctorate, then this is the survival kit you need! Rather than focusing on the technical side of the doctorate, this book looks at all the other crucial skills that are part of everyday doctoral life. This candid book provides real insight into what it's like to do a doctorate and offers practical advice on:

- The application process

- Sources of financial support

- Motivational issues

- Student-supervisor relationships

- Departmental and university politics

- Publishing, conferences and networking

- Career strategies

Written by recent doctoral graduates, the book also includes real examples and case studies from current doctoral students and recent graduates across a range of disciplines and universities. By demystifying the doctoral process How to Survive Your Doctorate prepares you for life as a doctoral student like no other book. See for yourself and be a survivor!
Matthiesen / Binder How to Survive your Doctorate jetzt bestellen!

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Jane Matthiesen is Lecturer in Strategic Management at Aston Business School in Birmingham, UK. She received her doctorate from Aston University in October 2005.

Mario Binder is a Project Manager at an international management consultancy in Berlin, Germany. He also holds a Visiting Research Fellowship at Aston Business School, where he received his PhD in March 2007.

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