Mcleod | An Introduction to Counselling | Buch | 978-0-335-24003-6 |

Buch, Englisch


An Introduction to Counselling

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24003-6
Verlag: Open University Press

This bestseller provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of counselling and therapy. The book has been thoroughly updated with new references and examples and now has information on topics such as:

- Transactional analysis

- The use of natural environment in counselling

- The contribution of arts-based approaches

- Integrating theory into practice

To help readers, the author has extended the introduction to the book in order to outline the aims of the book and explain its structure so that this is clear to the reader from the outset.

The pedagogy of this edition has also been improved in order to enhance learning. Each chapter includes:

- Topics for further discussion

- Key terms and concepts

- Suggested further reading

- Case studies and illustrations

This book remains the book of choice for students and tutors on introductory counselling courses.
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Weitere Infos & Material



An introduction to counselling

The social and historical origins of counselling

Theory in counselling: Using conceptual tools to facilitate understanding and guide action

Themes and issues in the psychodynamic approach to counselling

The cognitive-behavioural approach to counselling

Theory and practice of the person-centred approach

Working with family systems

Constructivist, narrative and collaborative approaches: Counselling as conversation

Transactional analysis: A comprehensive theoretical system

Existential issues in counselling theory and practice

Multicultural counselling

New horizons in counselling: Feminist, philosophical, expressive and nature-based approaches

Combining ideas and methods from different approaches: The challenge of therapeutic integration

The counselling relationship

The process of counselling

Issues of power and diversity in counselling practice

Virtues, values and ethics in counselling practice

Different formats for the delivery of counselling services

The role of research in counselling and psychotherapy

Being and becoming a counsellor

Critical issues in counselling



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