Mentoring Communication | Buch | 978-1-59311-682-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Paperback

Mentoring Communication

Buch, Englisch, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-59311-682-8
Verlag: Information Age Publishing

Communication is considered a critical component in mentoring, and effective communication is a hallmark of effective mentoring relationships. The following is a summary of the author's qualifications for writing the proposed book, ""Mentoring Communication"", the need for such a book, the potential target audiences, and a brief outline of the chapters to be included. This book is based on more than a decade of scholarly research in mentoring and communication. (A bibliography is available upon request.) The author is well-known in the mentoring field, having served a five-year term on the International Mentoring Association Board of Directors and having presented numerous communication training workshops for the premiere mentoring organizations in the country. (Participant evaluations from these workshops have been consistently stellar and are available upon request. A resume also is available on request.) ""Mentoring Communication"" will be designed to help readers understand the role of communication in mentoring and to improve their mentoring communication skills. Both organizational and interpersonal communication concerns will be addressed. This book will be useful both to individuals in mentoring relationships who wish to develop their communication skills and to mentoring program coordinators in business, education and non-profit settings who wish to provide communication training for their mentoring program participants.
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