Merriman / Westcott | Succeed in OSCE's and practical exams | Buch | 978-0-335-24072-2 |

Buch, Englisch

Merriman / Westcott

Succeed in OSCE's and practical exams

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24072-2
Verlag: Open University Press

"Here is a book that offers all the skills practitioners need to succeed in your exams and engages you in positive reflection of practice. I would recommend this book to students who aim to master their clinical skills and develop as an advanced practitioner."

Lee Marshall, Student Nurse & Student Social Worker Sheffield Hallam University

Need help to prepare and succeed in your OSCE or Practical Exam?

OSCEs or practical examinations are intended to challenge you both personally and professionally, whilst testing your competence with the key clinical skills that nurses need to demonstrate to be effective in practice.

This book is designed to be the ultimate companion to help you fly through OSCEs with ease. It covers:

- What OSCEs involve and how to prepare for them

- The most common types of OSCE scenarios

- What examiners are looking for in OSCEs

- How to develop your own clinical simulation learning style

- How to learn from your OSCEs

- How reflection can help give you greater understanding of your clinical simulation practice

The book includes examples of OSCEs for you to work through, inspiring quotes and plenty of top tips to help you tackle your OSCEs with confidence!

Succeed in OSCEs and Practical Exams is indispensable reading for nursing students taking all courses that involve OSCEs or practical exams - including diplomas, degrees and short CPD courses.
Merriman / Westcott Succeed in OSCE's and practical exams jetzt bestellen!

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Clair Merriman is the Head of Professional Practice Skills in the School of Health and Social Care at Oxford Brookes University, UK.

Liz Westcott is Director of Pre Qualifying Learning and Development in the School of Health and Social Care at Oxford Brookes University, UK.

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