Meyer / Ashleigh / Jones | Contemporary Management: European Edition | Buch | 978-0-07-711115-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 768 Seiten, Format (B × H): 77 mm x 103 mm, Gewicht: 3 g

Meyer / Ashleigh / Jones

Contemporary Management: European Edition

European Edition

Buch, Englisch, 768 Seiten, Format (B × H): 77 mm x 103 mm, Gewicht: 3 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-711115-1
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

This European edition of Contemporary Management offers a comprehensive coverage of introductory management topics, addressing both new and classic theory and research within a contemporary framework. The book begins by examining what it means to be a manager, before moving on to analyse this in relation to various aspects of strategy, leadership and the organization. The authors take a practical approach, applying concepts to real-life situations in order to equip students to deal with the issues and opportunities posed by today’s dynamic business environment.
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Weitere Infos & Material

CHAPTER 1 Managers and Managing
CHAPTER 2 The Evolution of Management Thought
CHAPTER 3 The Manager as a Person: Values, Attitudes, Emotions, and Culture
CHAPTER 4 Ethics and Social Responsibility
CHAPTER 5 Managing Diverse Employees in a Multi-Cultural Environment
CHAPTER 6 Managing in the Global Environment
CHAPTER 7 The Manager as a Decision Maker
CHAPTER 8 The Manager as a Planner and Strategist
CHAPTER 9 Value Chain Management: Operating Strategies to Increase Quality, Efficiency, and Responsiveness to Customers
CHAPTER 10 Managing Organizational Structure
CHAPTER 11 Organizational Control and Change
CHAPTER 12 Human Resource Management
CHAPTER 13 Motivation and Performance
CHAPTER 14 Leadership
CHAPTER 15 Effective Groups and Teams
CHAPTER 16 Communication
CHAPTER 17 Managing Organizational Conflict, Politics, and Negotiation
CHAPTER 18 Further Themes in Contemporary Management

George, Jennifer M
Jennifer George is also a Professor of Management in the Lowry Mays College and Graduate School of Business at Texas A&M University. She received her BA in Psychology/Sociology from Wesleyan University, her MBA in Finance from New York University, and her PhD in Management and Organizational Behavior from New York University.

Jones, Gareth R
Gareth Jones is a Professor of Management in the Lowry Mays College and Graduate School of Business at Texas A&M University. He received both his BA and PhD from the University of Lancaster, UK

Dr Edgar Meyer is the Academic Lead for the Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning for Interprofessional Learning across the Public Sector at the University of Southampton. He has experience of teaching across a broad range of management subjects.Dr Melanie Ashleigh is Lecturer in Management at the University of Southampton, with prior experience of running her own selection and recruitment business.

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