Mitchell / Smith | The Girl in the Pandemic | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 5, 196 Seiten

Reihe: Transnational Girlhoods

Mitchell / Smith The Girl in the Pandemic

Transnational Perspectives

E-Book, Englisch, Band 5, 196 Seiten

Reihe: Transnational Girlhoods

ISBN: 978-1-80073-795-2
Verlag: Berghahn Books
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

As seen in previous pandemics, girls and young women are particularly vulnerable as social issues such as homelessness, mental healthcare, access to education, and child labor are often exacerbated. The Girl in the Pandemic considers what academics, community activists, and those working in local, national, and global NGOs are learning about the lives of girls and young women during pandemics. Drawing from a range of responses during the pandemic including first person narratives, community ethnographies, and participatory action research, this collection offers a picture of how the COVID-19 pandemic played out in eight different countries.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Illustrations
Introduction: The Girl in the Pandemic
Claudia Mitchell and Ann Smith
Section One—Reflections
Chapter 1. Five Lessons from Past Ebola Epidemics for Today’s COVID-19 Pandemic
Nidhi Kapur
Chapter 2. How Build “Meaningful Bonds” with Poor Young Women? State Interventions during the Lockdown in Argentina
Ana Cecilia Gaitán
Chapter 3. What it all Means: Young Rural Women Confronting COVID-19
Nokukhanya Ngcobo, Zinhle Nkosi, and Ayub Sheik
Section Two—Continuing Education
Chapter 4. Women Teachers Support Girls during the COVID-19 School Closures in Uganda
Christine Apiot Okudi
Chapter 5. Experiencing Care: Young Women’s Response to COVID-19 Crises in Poland
Anna Bednarczyk, Zuzanna Kapciak, Kinga Madejczak, Alicja Sedzikowska, Natalia Witek, and Faustyna Zdziarska
Chapter 6. COVID-19: Education and Wellbeing of Female Agriculture Students in Ethiopia
Hannah Pugh, Eleni Negash, Frehiwot Tesfaye, and Madalyn Nielsen
Chapter 7. Exploring the Psycho-social Experiences of Women Undergraduates in Delhi during COVID-19 Pandemic
Richa Rana, Poonam Yadav, and Shreya Sandhu
Section Three—Vulnerabilities
Chapter 8. Lockdown and Violence against Women and Children: Insights from Hospital based Crisis Intervention Centers
Anupriya Singh, Sangeeta Rege, Anagha Pradhan
Chapter 9. COVID-19, Migrant Workers, and Marginalized Communities in India: Child Marriage on the Increase
Gayatri Sharma and Ayesha Khaliq
Chapter 10. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Domestic Workers in Ethiopia
Annabel Erulkar, Welela Tarekegne, and Eyasu Hailu
Chapter 11. The New Normal for Young Transgender Women in Thailand: Unspoken Gender-based Violence in the Time of COVID-19
Rapeepun Jommaroeng, Sara Hair, Cheera Thongkrajai, Kath Kangbipoon, and Suda Bootchadee

Mitchell, Claudia

Claudia Mitchell is a Distinguished James McGill Professor in the Faculty of Education, McGill University where she is the director of the Institute for Human Development and Well-being and the founder and director of the Participatory Cultures Lab. She is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the award-winning journal Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal.   

Smith, Ann

Ann Smith has been the managing editor of Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal since its inception. Formerly a lecturer in the Department of English, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, where she specialized in literary theory with a particular focus on feminism and queer theory, she is now an adjunct professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University, Montreal.

Ann Smith has been the managing editor of Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal since its inception. Formerly a lecturer in the Department of English, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, where she specialized in literary theory with a particular focus on feminism and queer theory, she is now an adjunct professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University, Montreal.

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