Mortiboys | How To Be An Effective Teacher In Higher Education | Buch | 978-0-335-24010-4 |

Buch, Englisch


How To Be An Effective Teacher In Higher Education

Answers to Lecturers' Questions

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24010-4
Verlag: Open University Press

This book is a practical resource for lecturers working with groups of all sizes, in a range of teaching environments. Written by a highly experienced teacher and lecturer, Alan Mortiboys, the book is a distillation of the common concerns and issues raised at workshops Alan has run.

The book reflects three of the six areas of activity outlined in the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education:

- Design and planning of learning activities and/or programmes of study

- Teaching and/or supporting student learning

- Evaluation of practice and continuing professional development

The book answers 55 of the questions most commonly asked by HE teachers. There are 14 tasks to help the reader apply the answers to their own teaching practice. The answers are also linked to relevant literature for further reading.

How to be an Effective Teacher in Higher Education provides key reading for those teaching and undertaking PGCert in HE or other postgraduate teaching courses as well as academics concerned with their professional development.
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Planning and preparation




Materials and equipment


Outside the lecture




Alan Mortiboys is Professor of Educational Development at Birmingham City University where he leads the PGCE programme for academic staff. He has run courses for staff in over 30 higher education institutions across the UK and Ireland.

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