Mortimer / Scott | Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms | Buch | 978-0-335-22654-2 |

Buch, Englisch

Mortimer / Scott

Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22654-2
Verlag: Open University Press

This book focuses on the talk of science classrooms and in particular on the ways in which the different kinds of interactions between teachers and students contribute to meaning making and learning. Central to the text is a new analytical framework for characterising the key features of the talk of school science classrooms. This framework is based on sociocultural principles and links the work of theorists such as Vygotsky and Bakhtin to the day-to-day interactions of contemporary science classrooms.

* presents a framework, based on sociocultural theory, for analysing the language of teaching and learning interactions in science classrooms
* provides detailed examples and illustrations of insights gained from applying the framework to real science lessons in Brazil and the UK.
* demonstrates how these ways of thinking about classroom talk can be drawn upon to inform the professional development of science teachers.
* offers an innovative research methodology, based on sociocultural theory, for analysing classroom talk.
* expands upon the ways in which sociocultural theory has been systematically applied to analysing classroom contexts.

This book offers a powerful set of tools for thinking and talking about the day-to-day practices of contemporary science classrooms. It contains messages of fundamental importance and insight for all of those who are interested in reflecting on the interactions of science teaching and learning, whether in the context of teaching, higher degree study, or research.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword by James V. Wertsch
Doing and talking school science
Teaching science, learning science
Capturing and characterising the talk of school science
From everyday to scientific ideas
a teaching and learning performance
Struggling to come to terms with the scientific story
Looking back.looking forward

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