Mulcahy | Disputing Doctors | Buch | 978-0-335-22658-0 |

Buch, Englisch


Disputing Doctors

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22658-0
Verlag: Open University Press

* What are patient experiences of making complaints against doctors and what do they seek to achieve?
* How do doctors and managers respond to complaints and what do their responses reveal about the implicit tensions in the doctor-patient relationship?

* What is the significance of the increasing incidence of disputes for approaches to the delivery of medical care?

This book looks at the dynamics of doctor-patient disputes. Reflecting on fifteen years of empirical research in the NHS it considers the contexts in which these disputes arise, the different ways in which the parties construct disputing narratives and moral identities in the course of making and defending their claims, and the extent to which existing systems for resolving disputes are sensitive to their needs.

This publication is timely. Since the 1970s there has been an increasing amount of concern about the rise in complaints and medical negligence claims made by patients and their relatives. Based on research with patients, relatives, doctors and NHS managers, the book analyses how they perceive these disputes and what they seek to achieve by holding each other to account.

Disputing Doctors is valuable reading for all students, researchers and academics working in the fields of the sociology of health and illness, socio-legal studies, law and medicine, medical sociology, nursing and health policy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

All the president's men: the relationships between the state, the medical profession and doctor-patient disputes

An inspector calls: the policy context
The phantom menace?: looking at the relationship between medical mishaps, complaints and negligence claims

Forever amber?: Looking at disputes with doctors from the perspective of the complainant

From fear to fraternity?: Doctors'reactions to being called to account

Devil and the deep: mediating differences between doctors and patients

A new hope: concluding thoughts

Linda Mulcahy LL.B; LL.M, Ph.D is the Anniversary Professor of Law and Society and Dean of Arts at Birkbeck College, University of London. Her research has attracted a number of grants from the NHS, ESRC and charities and she has data on doctor-patient disputes covering a fourteen year period.

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