Murray / Rosen / Staniland | The nurse mentor and reviewer update book | Buch | 978-0-335-24121-7 |

Buch, Englisch

Murray / Rosen / Staniland

The nurse mentor and reviewer update book

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24121-7
Verlag: Open University Press

"This is an innovative book which takes account of the professional development of the qualified nurse as it relates to their specific role as a mentor. Of particular value is the way in which the theory and practice have been integrated throughout and in particular the focus on accountability issues of the mentor role in protection of the public and their gatekeeper role to the profession. The case studies and possible responses by the reader provide an excellent framework for the individual and their development in the role, whilst the links to the Knowledge Skills Framework (KSF) will be invaluable to those appraisers and professional development departments in health care organisations.

An excellent foundation text for practitioners who wish to undertake the mentor role and developing the skills of those already undertaking the role who wish to be updated and enhance their knowledge and practice".

Karen Holland,Research Fellow (Evidence Based Nurse Education Innovation) University of Salford, UK

Editor, Nurse Education in Practice

This book is the ideal resource for anyone working as a nurse mentor. Using case studies and examples based on the specific Nursing and Midwifery Standards (NMC 2008) the book supports qualified mentors towards meeting the evidence requirements of an annual mandatory update.

A range of activities are included that can be worked through individually by a mentor or with peers. These will help to provide a range of different sources of evidence at appraisal interviews, to demonstrate a mentor's ongoing competence.

This practical and flexible guide explains the meaning of competence and is designed to help mentors judge competence in line with Nursing and Midwifery Council standards and the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework.

Appraisers/reviewers will also find this book useful, as it outlines the organisational and individual obligations in promoting and recording the ongoing competence of mentors.
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