Myhill / Jones / Hopper | Talking, Listening and Learning | Buch | 978-0-335-22662-7 |

Buch, Englisch

Myhill / Jones / Hopper

Talking, Listening and Learning

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22662-7
Verlag: Open University Press

This book looks at an issue which is at the heart of every classroom – the role that talk plays in children’s learning. Drawing on a substantial research base, the book provides useful suggestions to facilitate successful talk between teachers and children to improve learning and raise standards.

Through analysing the talk that goes on in primary school classrooms, the book examines the process of talk and learning in detail and shows how teachers’ questions, instructions and statements can support and extend children’s learning. It highlights the central influence of teacher talk on developing children’s learning and looks at international perspectives in the field, including the work of Shirley Brice Heath, Douglas Barnes, Gordon Wells, Neil Mercer and Robin Alexander.

This innovative book provides ideas, techniques, and practical suggestions for making classroom talk effective. It is key reading for student and qualified teachers who are interested in improving learning by generating higher levels of participation and interactive talk in their classrooms.
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