Naming and Thinking God in Europe Today | Buch | 978-90-420-2205-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 32, 536 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 980 g

Reihe: Currents of Encounter

Naming and Thinking God in Europe Today

Theology in Global Dialogue

Buch, Englisch, Band 32, 536 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 980 g

Reihe: Currents of Encounter

ISBN: 978-90-420-2205-8
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

Is there a new need and place for God-talk in Europe? The present volume both confirms this and opens up new questions for discussion. It shows how different traditions of naming and thinking God in Europe draw on various theoretical and philosophical foundations that are in competition with one another in many ways. Due to socio-cultural, historical and political divides between Eastern and Western Europe, these theological traditions often suffer from isolation and mutual misunderstanding. Can the inherent tensions and conflicts be understood more adequately?
While exploring a variety of approaches in Europe on the topic, several authors also ask: How can God be named and thought in Europe, which finds itself in the midst of complex crosscultural and interreligious processes - particularly as immigration increases and peoples of non-Christian faith traditions name and think God in ways that differ from and sometimes conflict with Europe's dominant religion(s) and secular culture? What function and impact will traditional God-talk have in a globalizing Europe as religions such as Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism move into the foreground?
This volume not only reveals the broad spectrum of its topic but also documents the vivid seeking undertaken by a new generation of European theologians and scholars of religion who openly engage the question of how to live and believe in Europe today, facing complex global challenges.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Norbert HINTERSTEINER: Introduction
Part I - Europe’s God in a Globalizing World
Peter BEYER: “God’s in His Heaven. Where He Belongs„: Religions, Europe, and Monopolar Transcendence in Global Society
Anne KULL: Speaking of God in the New World Order, Inc.
John D’ARCY MAY: Europe’s God: Liberator or Oppressor? The Postcolonial Mediation of Transcendence
Jacques HAERS S.J.: Thinking about God from the Perspectives of Encounter and Community: A Challenge for European Theology in a Globalized World
Hans-Joachim SANDER: From a European Subject to a Global Verb: God in Terms of Pastoral Relativity
Part II - Geographies of God in Europe
François BOUSQUET: Thirty-years’ Worth of Studies and Publications on the Subject of God
András MÁTE-TÓTH: Thinking About God in Central Eastern Europe: Social Experiences and Theological Challenges
Karel SKALICKÝ: Thinking About God Philosophically in Europe Today: A Czech Perspective
László HOLLÓ: Thinking God in National and Religious Conflicts: The Case of Romania
Peter STILWELL: God in Twentieth Century Portuguese Literature
Part III - Musing on God in Europe
Siegfried WIEDENHOFER: Thinking God Between Fundamentalism and Liberalism
Maureen JUNKER-KENNY: Ethics, the Hermeneutics of Memory, and the Concept of God

Amador VEGA ESQUERRA: Mystical and Aesthetic Experiences in Modernity
Georgios D. MARTZELOS: Kataphasis and Apophasis in the Greek Orthodox Patristic Tradition
Vincent HOLZER: Phenomenology and Theology: A Contemporary Exit Strategy from Metaphysics
Georg ESSEN: Ethical Monotheism and Human Freedom: Theological Convergences with the Pluralism of the Modern Age
Ioannis KOUREMBELES: Christian Monotheism: Exclusivity or Openness to Otherness?
George De SCHRIJVER S.J.: Christian Faith in the Post-Modern Context. The Case of Gianni Vattimo
Armin KREINER: Models of Divine Action in the World
Tomasz WECLAWSKI: Thinking God in a Paschal Perspective
Leonhard HELL: Communio – A Problematic Keyword of Contemporary God-talk
Part IV - Europe’s God in Global Dialogue
Keith WARD: The Idea of God in Global Theology
Josef WOHLMUTH: Twentieth-Century Jewish Thought as a Challenge to Christian Theology
Ghasem KAKAIE: Ibn Arabi’s God, Eckhart’s God: Philosophers’ God or Religion’s God?
Bettina BÄUMER: Can the Hindu Experience of God Enrich the European Concept of God?
Marcus SCHMÜCKER: Thinking God in South India: The Theistic Vedanta of the Visistadvaita School
Aasulv LANDE: Thinking and Naming the Ultimate in Buddhist Theology
Norbert HINTERSTEINER: Intercultural and Interreligious (Un)Translatibility and the Comparative Theology Project
Perry SCHMIDT-LEUKEL: Limits and Prospects of Comparative Theology
Klaus von STOSCH: Comparative Theology as an Alternative to the Theology of Religions
Robert CUMMINGS NEVILLE: The Role of Concepts of God in Crosscultural Comparative Theology
List of Authors

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