Nathan | CREATE COLLECTION ONLY Annual Editions: Human Resources, 22/e | Buch | 978-1-259-22321-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 201 Seiten


CREATE COLLECTION ONLY Annual Editions: Human Resources, 22/e

Buch, Englisch, 201 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-259-22321-1
Verlag: Open University Press

The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Each Annual Editions volume has a number of features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: an annotated Table of Contents, a Topic Guide, an annotated listing of supporting websites, Learning Outcomes and a brief overview for each unit, and Critical Thinking questions at the end of each article. Go to the McGraw-Hill Create™ Annual Editions Article Collection at to browse the entire collection. Select individual Annual Editions articles to enhance your course, or access and select the entire Nathan: Annual Editions: Human Resources, 22/e ExpressBook for an easy, pre-built teaching resource by clicking here. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each Annual Editions volume. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit the Create Central Online Learning Center at for more details.
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Annual Editions: NathanPrefaceCorrelation GuideTopic GuideUNIT Human Resource Management in PerspectiveUnit OverviewAre You a Leader or a Laggard?: HR's Role in Creating a Sustainability Culture, Robert Sroufe, Jay Liebowitz, and Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam, People and Strategy, March 2010How can HR be involved and lead in the quest for sustainability? It starts with a guiding philosophy to minimize the organization's impact on the planet, which recognizes the role of human capital in that effort. HR can facilitate that effort through a strategic rather than a piecemeal approach that will assist, if not lead, the organization's sustainability effort.Is HR at Its Breaking Point?, Todd Henneman, Workforce Management, March 22, 2013Some companies are choosing to do away with traditional HR departments and divvy up the duties to other departments, but not everyone agrees that's such a good idea.Building Sustainable Organizations: The Human Factor, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Academy of Management Perspectives, February 2010There has been much talk and research on the sustainability of the physical environment. Corporations are going to great lengths to "GO GREEN." But there has been relatively little discussion about how to sustain the organization's single greatest asset—its human resources. This is explored here.The Leadership Challenges Facing HR: Top CHROs Share Learnings and Advice on What's Next, Steve Steckler, People and Strategy, December 2010This is a report of the round-table discussion of several current and past Chief Human Resource Officers and what they consider to be their most difficult challenges.Grooming the Next Generation, Kasthuri V. Henry, Strategic Finance, January 2011The workforce is changing and the baby boomers are retiring. Organizations need to be prepared for this eventuality by being proactive in hiring individuals in the labor force. Hiring the best people means going after the best people and this article presents one company's strategy for doing that.Engaged Employees = High-Performing Organizations, Bob Kelleher, Financial Executive, April 2011Right now the economy is down, but eventually the economy will not be. Turnover has been low because jobs have been scarce. When the economy starts to pick up, that will change and many companies will find their employees leaving for other firms. But, there are smart firms that have treated their employees better and will not face the eventual talent drain.UNIT Meeting Human Resource RequirementsUnit OverviewBeat the Overqualified Rap, Julie Ann Sims, How Magazine, November 2010In this economy, it is difficult to be looking for a job when you are unemployed. It is particularly difficult for many people with a great deal of experience. These people are often viewed as being overqualified for many of the positions that are available. Overcoming this perception is the topic of this article.Hiring Right, Carolyn Heinze, EquiManagement, Summer 2011Hiring is a difficult and time-consuming process that is often given inadequate resources. Knowing what you are looking for in a hire, knowing what is really important for that hire to be successful, even among professionals like veterinarians, is discussed here.Playing IT Big Brother: When Is Employee Monitoring Warranted?, Bruce Gain, Canadian Manager, Spring 2009What is the appropriate use of monitoring when it comes to the personal use of IT equipment by employees? With few exceptions, employees have little in the way of rights when it comes to the personal use of corporate property, including computers. But many of them still use them and often for reasonable purposes. What is the appropriate policy?Bring Your Own Device, Dave Zielinski, HR Magazine, February 2012More employers are allowing employees to use their own technology in the workplace.On the Clock: New Time and Attendance Software Helps Track Labor Costs and Ensure Legal Compliance, Dave Zielinski, HR Magazine, April 2012The author explains how time/attendance software supports the effectiveness of the HR function.Human Resource Information System as a Strategic Tool in Human Resource Management, Ebenezer Ankrah and Evans Sokro, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, 2012This research identifies how the use of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) contributes to the effectiveness of strategic human resource management in the workplace.UNIT Creating a Productive Work EnvironmentUnit OverviewRewarding Outstanding Performance: Don't Break the Bank, Elizabeth (Betsy) Murray and Robyn Rusignuolo, Franchising World, January 2010There are many ways to reward outstanding performance other than money. This article presents some interesting, low-cost ways to reward outstanding employee performance.Motivating Employees: What Works? What Doesn't Work?, Woodruff Imberman, Foundry Management and Technology, November 2012Injured by the Great Recession, scarred by the recovery, and fearful of the future, metal-casting workers can be motivated to improve their efforts when they find their rewards in their paychecks.Employers Use Facebook Too, for Hiring, Mary Oleniczak et al., Advances in Management, January 2010What is it that you want to say and how is it that you want to be known? In today's world of the Internet and instantaneous communication, one has to be careful about how one presents oneself to the rest of the world. It can make a real difference. What goes on the Internet never goes away, and you will be communicating it for the rest of your life.UNIT Developing Effective Human ResourcesUnit Overview7 E-Learning Best Practices for Maximum Global Workforce Training ROI, Bill English, Training Magazine, August 2, 2012Bad training can end up costing more than good training when you calculate the time, resources, and opportunity cost wasted on training that does not provide the desired ROI.Language Diversity in America: Challenges and Opportunities for Management, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, Frank J. Cavico, and Stephen C. Muffler, SAM Advanced Management Journal, Spring 2012This article explores the challenges and opportunities of language diversity, especially the legal and practical ramifications when employers establish language policies for the workplace.Discrimination and the Aging American Workforce: Recommendations and Strategies for Management, Frank J. Cavico and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, SAM Advanced Management Journal, Autumn 2011This article seeks to provide managers with practical strategies, tactics, and recommendations to comply with age discrimination laws, to maintain fair employment practices, and to handle an actual age-based discrimination lawsuit.Job Insecurity and Employee Innovation: A Bounded Emotionality Analysis, Peter J. Jordan, Neal M. Ashkanasy, and Charmine E. J. Härtel, Academy of Management, 2000Affect and emotional intelligence hold potentially valuable insights into the management of employee job insecurity.UNIT Implementing Compensation, Benefits, and Workplace SafetyUnit OverviewOpening Keynote: Rethinking Pay for Performance, Debra Perry, Directors and Boards, Spring 2009Boards of directors need to rethink how they incentivize their senior executives, especially in light of the recent downturn in the economy. They also need to consider how they develop talent in their own organizations rather than going out and paying top dollar for executives who know little about their businesses to run their businesses.The Politics of Executive Pay, Jerry W. Markham, Regulation, Spring 2011"Tax the Rich!" But the rich already pay most of the taxes and have become very creative in hiding their wealth from the tax man, all legally, of course. So the problem becomes what can be done to get more money for those who do not have it?Workplace Bullying Threatens Employers, Judy Greenwald, Business Insurance, June 14, 2010Bullying is the new sexual harassment. Legislation is pending in a variety of states, and in some states has passed, to make bullying illegal. Like sexual harassment when it was first made illegal, bullying in the workplace is ill defined, and many companies paid a high price for the privilege of helping to define it. So it will be with bullying, and many companies are destined to pay that price.Eye of the Beholder: Does Culture Shape Perceptions of Workplace Bullying?, Stuart D. Sidle, Research Briefs, Academy of Management Perspectives, August 2010Would someone considered to be a belligerent bully by workers in one division of a global company be viewed the same way by employees in other geographic locations of the same company?Recognizing and Overcoming Toxic Leadership, George A. Zangaro, Kelly Yager, and Joseph Proulx, Journal of Nursing, 2009Toxic leaders can be devastating to personnel at all levels in an organization and can ultimately lead to the dismantling of the organization.The "Equal Opportunity Harasser": The Slow Demise of a Strange Concept?, John D. Bible, Labor Law Journal, Summer 2010How can someone actually get away with sexually harassing his or her employees? Strange as it may sound, there is a way, but fortunately, it is dying, although the death would appear to be a little slow.Investigating Sexual Harassment Complaints: An Update for Managers and Employers, Richard Trotter and Susan Rawson Zacur, SAM Advanced Management Journal, Winter 2012This paper focuses on procedural issues that can cause a court or jury to find an employer liable for failing to conduct a proper investigation.Individual and Social Factors Associated with Workplace Injuries, Ashwin Kumar, International Journal of Human Sciences, 2011While individual worker factors, such as gender, age, personality, ethnicity, and substance use, do contribute to workplace injuries and fatalities, broader social and organizational workplace factors, such as workload, work hours, work environment, safety culture, provision of quality supervision, and provision of occupational health and safety training, socially structure and influence individual worker attitudes and behaviors in workplace injury and fatalities.Making Benefits Matter, Torry Dell, Management Accounting Quarterly, Summer 2010It is not just salary that will attract and keep employees. The total compensation package becomes important, and a big part of that package is the benefits offered by the employer. Healthcare, retirement, and life insurance all play a role in the total compensation package, and more and more, workers look at the total picture.Cash-Back Program Puts Money into Workers' 401(k)s, Andrea Davis, Employee Benefit News, April 30, 2013This online program doesn't require employees to change behavior or make other sacrifices to save for retirement.Demystifying Health Reform Legislation, James C. Pyles, Psychiatric Times, March 2011There is a lot of controversy about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Accompanying Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, also known as Obamacare. But what is really in Obamacare and why is it so controversial? This article boils it down.UNIT Fostering Employee/Management RelationshipsUnit OverviewFinding and Fixing Corporate Misconduct, Dan Currell and Tracy Davis Bradley, Risk Management Magazine, April 2010One of the chief conditions concerning corporate misconduct is the corporate culture. A corporate culture that turns a blind eye to misconduct will have misconduct. A culture that does not tolerate misconduct is far less likely to have it.Inclusive Thinking, Grievances, Amending Policies, Shari Lau, HR Magazine, May 2012How can we get our managers to think about and create more inclusive work environments?Rethinking Human Resource Strategies: A Shift in the Treatment of Contingent Workers, Tekeisha Zimmerman, Mariya Gavrilova-Aguilar, and Princess Cullum, International Journal of Business and Management, 2013This paper argues for a shift in HR strategies that will allow for equality in treatment between standard and contingent workers within organizations.Values-Driven HR, Bill Roberts, HR Magazine, March 2012Juniper Networks is turning words on the wall into behaviors in action.UNIT International Human Resource ManagementUnit OverviewTrends Shaping Tomorrow's World: Forces in the Natural and Institutional Environments, Marvin J. Cetron and Owen Davies, The Futurist, July/August 2010What are some of the likely trends to be facing the United States and the world economy over the next several years and decades? These trends are bound to impact organizations and their human resources on a global scale.Offshored Headquarters, Allen Smith, HR Magazine, November 2009One of the trends in the global economy is the purchase of U.S. firms by non–U.S. firms. When this happens, the human resource problems are often compounded by cultural as well as the normal problems that would occur in a domestic business merger.Multiple Choice, Lori Chordas, Best's Review, March 2009A one-size-fits-all approach to benefits is not going to work for a company with employees in different countries. Each nation and the employees in that nation will have different requirements and expectations. While the home office can provide general guidelines, the benefits required for employees in each country will be somewhat unique.

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