Neonatal Care | Sonstiges | 978-1-61002-441-9 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Cards, Format (B × H): 64 mm x 249 mm

Neonatal Care

A Quick Reference Deck

Sonstiges, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Cards, Format (B × H): 64 mm x 249 mm

ISBN: 978-1-61002-441-9
Verlag: American Academy of Pediatrics

This innovative deck provides primary care professionals with expert guidance on caring for newborns. Topics span everything from prenatal assessment to delivery and newborn evaluation, as well as feeding, general concerns, newborn illness, birth anomalies and skin lesions, specialized NICU care, preterm and full-term newborn concerns, and more. A series of illustrative boxes, tables, checklists, images, reference ranges, key principles, and supportive text are included in this handy deck.

Topics Include - Prenatal Assessment
- Delivery and Newborn Assessment
- Feeding
- General Newborn Concerns
- Newborn Respiratory Management
- Newborn Illness
- Other Birth Anomalies
- Newborn Skin Lesions
- Specialized Care
- Preterm/Early-Term Newborns
- And more.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Introduction
- How to Use This Deck
- Figure, Table, and Box Credits
- Abbreviations
Prenatal Assessment
- 1. The Prenatal Pediatric Visit
- 2. The Maternal Medical and Family History
- 3. Fetal Risk, Assessment, and Interventions
- 4. Fetal Growth
- 5. Fetal Growth Restriction
- 6. Diabetes
Delivery and Newborn Assessment
- 7. Delivery Room Resuscitation Prep
- 8. Need for Resuscitation
- 9. Immediate Delivery Procedures
- 10. Gestational Age Assessment
- 11. Newborn Assessment: Overview
- 12. Neurological Assessment
- 13. The High-Risk Newborn
- 14. Dried Blood Spot Screening
- 15. Circumcision
- 16. Discharge From the Hospital
- 17. The First Postpartum Visit
- 18. The Newborn Eyes
- 19. The Newborn Ears
- 20. Breastfeeding Benefits
- 21. Breastfeeding Initiation
- 22. Breastfeeding Latch
- 23. Providing Breastfeeding Support
- 24. Newborn Weight Loss
- 25. Breastfeeding Preterm Infants
- 26. Improving Milk Production
- 27. Nutrient Supplementation
- 28. Discharge Feeding Plan
- 29. Formula Feeding
- 30. Feeding Evaluation
General Newborn Concerns
- 31. Hyperbilirubinemia: Risk Factors and Definitions
- 32. Hyperbilirubinemia: Management and Follow-up
- 33. Jaundice
- 34. Elimination Patterns
- 35. Glucose
- 36. Hypoglycemia
- 37. Hyperglycemia
- 38. Immunizations
- 39. Safe Sleep
- 40. Safety Concerns
Newborn Respiratory Management
- 41. Respiratory Distress
- 42. Cyanosis
- 43. Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- 44. Acidosis
- 45. Tachypnea
- 46. Airway Issues
- 47. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- 48. Pneumonia
- 49. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- 50. Pneumomediastinum
- 51. Infants With Chronic Lung Disease
- 52. Additional Respiratory Management
Newborn Illness
- 53. The Ill-Seeming Newborn
- 54. Endocrine and Metabolic Changes
- 55. Inborn Errors of Metabolism
- 56. Hyperinsulinism
- 57. Hypocalcemia and Hypercalcemia
- 58. Hypomagnesemia
- 59. Gastrointestinal Pathology
- 60. Intestinal and Bowel Obstruction
- 61. Hydronephrosis
- 62. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
- 63. Congenital Anomalies
- 64. Congenital Heart Disease
- 65. Congestive Heart Failure
- 66. Rickets (Osteopenia)
- 67. Endotracheal Tubes
- 68. Parenteral Nutrition
- 69. Transfer and Transport of the Ill Newborn
Other Birth Anomalies
- 70. The Newborn Head
- 71. The Newborn Mouth
- 72. Vertebral Anomalies
- 73. Hip Anomalies
- 74. Hand Anomalies
- 75. The Newborn Foot
- 76. Gastroschisis and Omphalocele
- 77. Male Genitourinary Anomalies
- 78. Female Genitourinary Anomalies
- 79. Differences of Sex Development
Newborn Skin Lesions
- 80. Port Wine Stain (Capillary Malformation)
- 81. Other Vascular Malformations
- 82. Pigmentary Birthmarks
- 83. Hamartomas and Miscellaneous Lesions
- 84. Developmental Skin Anomalies
- 85. Vesiculopustular Diseases
- 86. Superficial Vascular Tumors
Specialized Care
- 87. Neonatal Care Levels
- 88. NICU Care
- 89. NICU Discharge
- 90. NICU Nutritional Discharge Plan
- 91. Continuing Problems after NICU Discharge
Preterm/Early-Term Newborns
- 92. Preterm Resuscitation
- 93. Anemia of Prematurity
- 94. Retinopathy of Prematurity
- 95. Late Preterm/Early Term Infant Nutrition
- 96. Late Preterm/Early Term Special Concerns
- 97. Preterm Infant Surveillance
- 98. Vehicle Safety in Preterm Infants
Other Concerns
- 99. Neonatal Hypotonia
- 100. The Seemingly Well Newborn
- 101. Infant Morbidity and Mortality

Deborah Campbell, MD, FAAP, is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s Health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Program Director for the fellowship in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, and Director of the Division of Neonatology at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore. She conducts the Low birth weight infant Evaluation and Assessment Program (LEAP) and has served various leadership roles at the American Academy of Pediatrics, New York State Association of Regional Perinatal Programs and Networks, NYC Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council, and Greater New York March of Dimes Health Professionals Advisory Board and National March of Dimes.She is a member of the Greater New York Hospital Association Perinatal Safety Collaborative Advisory Group, the National Quality Forum Perinatal Collaborative, and the New York State Perinatal Quality Collaborative Neonatology Expert Workgroup. She also serves on the NYS Palliative Care Education and Training Council, an expert panel that has developed guidance and advice for the New York State Department of Health on best practices in pain management and end-of-life care. She served as a member on the AAP Taskforce on Implementation of Newborn Hearing Screening and the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program. She is currently co-chair of the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th edition Infancy Expert Panel.

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