Nucci / Cerulli / Osborne | Glaucoma: An Open-Window to Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection | Buch | 978-0-444-53256-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 616 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1710 g

Nucci / Cerulli / Osborne

Glaucoma: An Open-Window to Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection

Erscheinungsjahr 2008
ISBN: 978-0-444-53256-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, 616 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1710 g

ISBN: 978-0-444-53256-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness throughout the world. It is characterized by death of the retinal ganglion cells, which is associated with loss of the axons making up the optic nerve. Recent studies have demonstrated support for the classification of glaucoma as a degenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS), leading researchers to look at identifying neuroprotection strategies for the treatment of this disease, like those used for other degenerative diseases of the CNS.

This book will provide an in-depth examination of the most recent findings regarding glaucoma, including risk factors, diagnosis, clinical monitoring, treatment, and above all, the need for treatment based on the concept of neuroprotection. A large part of the book is devoted to research related to this new approach to the treatment of glaucoma.
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Neuroscientists, neurologists, opthalmologists, neuropharmacologists

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Epidemiology of primary glaucoma: prevalence, incidence, and blinding effects
C. Cedrone, R. Mancino, A. Cerulli, M. Cesareo and C. Nucci (Italy)
2. Predictive models to estimate the risk of glaucoma development and progression
F.A. Medeiros and R.N. Weinreb (USA)
3. Intraocular pressure and central corneal thickness
G. Manni, F. Oddone, V. Parisi, A. Tosto and M. Centofanti (Italy)
4. Angle-closure: risk factors, diagnosis and treatment
N. Amerasinghe and T. Aung (Singapore)
5. Early diagnosis in glaucoma
D.F. Garway-Heath (UK, Italy)
6. Monitoring glaucoma progression
P. Brusini (Italy)
7. Standard automated perimetry and algorithms for monitoring glaucoma progressions
G.L. Scuderi, M. Cesareo, A. Perdicchi and S.M. Recupero (Italy)
8. Short-wavelength automated perimetry and frequency-doubling technology perimetry in glaucoma
P. Fogagnolo, L. Rossetti, S. Ranno, A. Ferreras and N. Orzalesi (Italy, Spain)
9. Scanning laser polarimetry and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy: technical notes on their use in glaucoma
F. Ferreri, P. Aragona and G. Ferreri (Italy)
10. The role of OCT in glaucoma management (Italy)
11. Functional laser Doppler flowmetry of the optic nerve: physiological aspects and clinical applications
C.E. Riva and B. Falsini (Italy)
12. Advances in neuroimaging of the visual pathways and their use in glaucoma
F.G. Garaci, V. Cozzolino, C. Nucci, F. Gaudiello, A. Ludovici, T. Lupattelli, R. Floris and G. Simonetti (Italy)
13. Primary open angle glaucoma: an overview on medical therapy
M. Vetrugno, F. Cantatore, G. Ruggeri, P. Ferreri, A. Montepara, A. Quinto and C. Sborgia (Italy)
14. The treatment of normal tension glaucoma
P.V. Desai and J. Caprioli (USA)
15. The management of exfoliative glaucoma
R. Rich (USA)
16. Laser therapies for glaucoma: new frontiers
G.L. Scuderi and N. Pasquale (Italy)
17. Modulation of wound healing during and after glaucoma surgery
S. Georgoulas, A. Dahlmann-Noor, S. Brocchini and P.-T. Khaw (UK)
18. Surgical alternative to trabeculectomy
R.G. Carassa (Italy)
19. Modern aqueous shunt implantation ¡§C future challenges
K. Barton and D.K. Heuer (London, UK and Milwaukee, USA)
20. Model systems for experimental studies: retinal ganglion cells in culture
E. Goodyear, and L.A. Levin (Canada)
21. Rat models for glaucoma research
J.C. Morrison, E. Johnson and W.O. Cepurna (USA)
22. Mouse genetic models: an ideal system for understanding glaucomatous neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
R. Howell, R.T. Libby and S.W.M. John (USA)
23. Clinical trials in neuroprotection
S.M. Whitcup (USA)
24. Pathogenesis of ganglion cells in glaucoma and neuroprotection: Focus on ganglion cell axonal mitochondria
N.N. Osborne (UK)
25. Astrocytes in glaucomatous optic neuropathy
M.R. Hernandez, H. Miao and T. Lukas (USA)
26. Glaucoma as a neuropathy amenable to neuroprotection and immune manipulation
M. Schwartz and A. London (Israel)
27. Oxidative stress and glaucoma. Injury in the anterior segment of the eye
S.C. Sacca and A. Izzotti (Italy)
28. TNF-alpha signalling in glaucomatous neurodegeneration
G. Tezel (USA)
29. Involvement of the Bcl2 gene family in the signalling and control of retinal ganglion cell death
R.W. Nickells, S.J. Semaan and C.L. Schlamp (USA)
30. Assessment of neuroprotection in the retina with DARC
L.Guo and M.F. Cordeiro (UK)
31. Potential roles of (endo)cannabinoids in the treatment of glaucoma: from intraocular pressure control to neuroprotection
C. Nucci, M. Bari, A. Spano, M.T. Corasaniti, G. Bagetta, M. Maccarrone and L.A. Morrone (Italy)
32. Glaucoma of the brain: a disease model for the study of transsynaptic neural degeneration
Y. Yücel and N. Gupta (USA)
33. Changes of central visual receptive fields in experimental glaucoma
S.C. Sharma (USA)
34. Targeting excitotoxic/free radical signalling pathways for therapeutic intervention in glaucoma
M. Seki and S.A. Lipton (USA)
35. Stem cells for neuroprotection in glaucoma
N.D. Bull, T.V. Johnson and K.R. Martin (UK)
36. The relationship between neurotrophic factors and CaMKII in the death and survival of retinal ganglion cells
N.G.F. Cooper, A. Laabich, W. Fan and X. Wang (USA)
37. Evidence of the neuroprotective role of Citicoline in glaucoma patients
V. Parisi, G. Coppola, M. Centofanti, F. Oddone, A.-M. Angrisani, L. Ziccardi, B. Ricci, L. Quaranta and G. Manni (Italy)
38. Neuroprotection: VEGF, IL-6 and cluster in the dark side of the moon
S. Pucci, P. Mazzarelli, F. Missiroli, F. Regine and F. Ricci (Italy)
39. Rational basis for the development of coenzyme Q10 as a neurotherapeutic agent for retinal protection
R. Russo, F. Cavaliere, L. Rombol¡§¡è, M. Gliozzi, A. Cerulli, C. Nucci, E. Fazzi, G. Bagetta, M.T. Corasaniti and L.A. Morrone (Italy)
40. 17 beta-estradiol prevents retinal ganglion cell loss induced by acute rise of intraocular pressure in rat
R. Russo, F. Cavaliere F., C. Watanabe, C. Nucci, G. Bagetta, M. T. Corasaniti, S. Sakurada and L. A. Morrone (Italy, Japan)

Nucci, Carlo
Carlo Nucci is Professor of Ophthalmology in the Ophthalmology Unit, Department of Experimental Medicine at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.

Bagetta, Giacinto
Giacinto Bagetta is Professsor of Pharmacology and works in the Department of Pharmacy, Health Science and Nutrition at University of Calabria, Arcavata di Rende, Italy.

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