Ohio under COVID | Buch | 978-0-472-05572-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 328 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Ohio under COVID

Lessons from America's Heartland in Crisis

Buch, Englisch, 328 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-472-05572-2
Verlag: University of Michigan Press

In early March of 2020, Americans watched with uncertain terror as the “novel coronavirus” pandemic unfolded in the coastal cities of Seattle and Boston as well as around the world. No one in the heartland state of Ohio had been infected—as far as we knew, given the scarcity of tests. One week later, Ohio announced its first confirmed cases. Just one year later, the state had over a million cases and 18,000 Ohioans had died. What happened in the course of that first pandemic year is not only a story of a public health disaster, but also a story of social disparities and moral dilemmas, of lives and livelihoods turned upside down, and of institutions and safety nets stretched to their limits.  This volume tells the human story of COVID in Ohio, America’s “bellwether” state. Scholars and practitioners examine the pandemic response from multiple angles, and contributors from numerous walks of life offer moving first-person reflections. Two themes emerge again and again: how the pandemic revealed a deep tension between individual autonomy and the collective good, and how it exacerbated social inequalities. When COVID hit Ohio, it found a state divided along social, economic, and political lines. State leaders and health care institutions struggled to react to the growing emergency without much help from the federal government. Meanwhile, individuals and families were put under enormous stress. Many already marginalized and underserved communities were left behind.   Chapters address such varied topics as mask mandates, ableism, prisons, food insecurity, access to reproductive health care, and the need for more Black doctors. The book concludes with an interview with Dr. Amy Acton, the state’s top public health official at the time COVID hit Ohio.  Collectively, the volume captures the devastating impact of the pandemic, both in the public discord it has unearthed and in the unfair burdens it has placed on the groups least equipped to bear them.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Just a Sneeze
by Molly Jasina
Introduction: COVID’s First Wave in Ohio: National Trends and Local Realities
by Vanessa Carbonell, Katherine Sorrels, Danielle Bessett, Lora Arduser, Edward Wallace, and Michelle McGowan
Part One: Values in Conflict: Policy, Politics, and Ethics
1.    The Leader We Wish We All Had: Ohio, Gender, and the Politics of Public Health  
by Daniel Skinner and Kathryn Poe  —  Research Article
2.    Mike DeWine, Mask Mandates, and the Value of Moral Philosophy  
by Jonathan Spelman  —  Research Article
3.    Lessons in Resiliency During a Pandemic: Did We Do Everything We Could?  
by Zac Ginsberg  —  Personal Reflection
4.    Abortion and the Politics of Care in Ohio During the COVID Pandemic 
by Hillary Gyuras, Mikaela Smith, Danielle Czarnecki, Alison H. Norris, Michelle L. McGowan, and Danielle Bessett  —  Research Article
5.    Bioethics and Critical Care in the Time of COVID  
by Mahwish U. Ahmad, Joshua Crites, and Prabalini Rajendram  —  Research Article
6.    Bioethical Considerations in the Age of COVID: The Intersections of Medicine, Science, and Public Health in Ohio  
by Julie Aultman, Deborah Barnbaum, and Kimberly Garchar  —  Personal Reflection
7.    The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
by Sarah Richter  —  Research and Reflection Article
8.    Remembering Past Pandemics: COVID News Coverage and Remembrance of the 1918 Flu Pandemic  
by John Lynch, Jordyn Adams, Haley Fite, Blair Kramer, Chris Laycock, Shelby Singh, Rachel Tucker, and Dirichi Umunna  —  Research Article
Part Two: Left Behind: Communities and Individuals under Stress
9.    Using Spatial Epidemiology to Better Understand COVID-19 in Ohio
by Diego F Cuadros, Chayanika Devi, and Neil Mackinnon  —  Research Article
10.    Prisons, Pandemics, and Personal Responsibility: COVID-19 in Ohio’s Correctional Facilities
by Elizabeth Lanphier and M. Forrest Behne  —  Research and Reflection Article
11.    Cincinnati and COVID-19: The Urgent Need for African American Doctors  
by Edward V Wallace  —  Research Article
12.    Old Problems, New Virus: Ableism in Ohio’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response
by Kara B. Ayers  —  Research and Reflection Article
13.    Social Inequality: The Pandemic’s Disparate Impact on Food Insecurity among Marginalized Groups
by Monica Adams  —  Research Article
14.    Not Returning to Normalized Injustice: Reflections on Teaching and Learning 
While Living the Pandemic
by Kim E. Nielsen  —  Personal Reflection
15.    Grace and Grief in Uncertain Times: An Account of Love and Dying During 
by Angie Fitzpatrick  —  Personal Reflection 
Afterword: “It’s Not Just the Virus”: Pandemic Lessons from Dr. Amy Acton
About the Editors and Contributors

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