Ohito / Luna | Black Schoolgirls in Space | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, Band 7, 284 Seiten, EPUB

Reihe: Transnational Girlhoods

Ohito / Luna Black Schoolgirls in Space

Stories of Black Girlhoods Gathered on Educational Terrain

E-Book, Englisch, Band 7, 284 Seiten, EPUB

Reihe: Transnational Girlhoods

ISBN: 978-1-80539-569-0
Verlag: Berghahn Books
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Locating Black girls’ desires, needs, knowledge bases, and lived experiences in relation to their social identities has become increasingly important in the study of transnational girlhoods. Black Schoolgirls in Space pushes this discourse even further by exploring how Black girls negotiate and navigate borders of blackness, gender, and girlhood in educational spaces. The contributors of this collected volume highlight Black girls as actors and agents of not only girlhood but also the larger, transnational educational worlds in which their girlhoods are contained.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Illustrations
Introduction: Storying Black Girlhoods on Educational Terrain
Esther O. Ohito with Lucía Mock Muñoz de Luna
Chapter 1. Black Girl Cartography: Black Girlhood and Place-Making in Education Research*
Tamara T. Butler
*This chapter is not available Open Access
Chapter 2. Dear Toni Morrison: On Black Girls as Makers of Theories and Worlds
Katelyn M. Campbell, Lauryn DuPree, and Lucía Mock Muñoz de Luna
Chapter 3. Queer Like Me: Black Girlhood Sexuality on the Playground, under the Covers, and in the Halls of Academia
Adilia E. E. James
Chapter 4. Black Girls and the Pipeline from Sexual Abuse to Sexual Exploitation to Prison
Nadine M. Finigan-Carr
Chapter 5. Modern-Day Manifestations of the Scarlet Letter: Othered Black Girlhoods, Deficit Discourse, and Black Teenage Mother Epistemologies in the Rural South
Taryrn T. C. Brown
Chapter 6. “You Know, Let Me Put My Two Cents In”: Using Photovoice to Locate the Educational Experiences of Black Girls
Lateasha Meyers
Chapter 7. “They Were Like Family”: Locating Schooling and Black Girl Navigational Practices in Richmond, Virginia
Renée Wilmot
Chapter 8. On Young Ghanaian Women Being, Becoming, and Belonging in Place
Susan E. Wilcox
Chapter 9. A Luo Girl’s Inheritance
Esther O. Ohito
Conclusion: As Queer as a Black Girl: Navigating Toward a Transnational Black Girlhood Studies
Lucía Mock Muñoz de Luna with Esther O. Ohito

Ohito, Esther O.

Esther O. Ohito is a creative writer, and educational researcher. She is an associate professor of English/literacy education at Rutgers Graduate School of Education in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Luna, Lucía Mock Muñoz de

Lucía Mock Muñoz de Luna is a Senior Program Associate in the Center for Innovations in Community Safety at Georgetown Law. She is the former editor-in-chief of The High School Journal, a cofounder of the Raíces Collective.

Esther O. Ohito is a creative writer, and educational researcher. She is an associate professor of English/literacy education at Rutgers Graduate School of Education in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

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