Omran | Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines | Buch | 978-3-031-72700-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm


Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Modeling and Design with MATLAB®, Simulink® and Simscape™ Multibody™

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

ISBN: 978-3-031-72700-9
Verlag: Springer

This textbook presents theory-based approaches to teaching and studying the kinematics and dynamics of machines, complemented by graphics and animations using contemporary software; MATLAB®, Simulink® and Simscape™ Multibody™. Students gain hands-on experience with relevant engineering software, developing skills in modeling, analysis, simulation, and animation while learning the course material. Instructors can guide students in creating their own systems, helping them better understand and optimize their designs.

Emphasizing the ubiquity of machines, the text is informed by a wide variety of examples; it caters for the generic—such as the factory packing machine—but also draws on the more familiar—such as kitchen appliances—to highlight machines encountered in everyday life. The book provides a connection between the acquisition of marketable skills in computer modeling and study for an academic degree and has evolved from the author’s teaching experience. Features of the textbook include:

- extensive use of examples in the text, covering numerical, graphical, analytical, and Simscape™ Multibody™ model-based techniques examples for students;

- end-of-chapter exercises allowing regular assessment of learning attainment;

- a pdf solutions manual for instructors adopting the book, available from SpringerLink; and

- lecture slides for use or adaptation by instructors.

Chiefly intended for an upper-level undergraduate course in the design and kinematics of machines, this textbook also contains more advanced elements that extend its relevance into the sphere of the beginning graduate student.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Machines Are Everywhere.- Kinematics Fundamentals.- Mechanisms and Machines Fundamentals.- MATLAB & Simulink\Simscape\Multibody.- Position and Displacement Analysis.- Velocity Analysis.- Acceleration and Jerk Rate Analysis.- Motion Trajectory Design.- CAM Design.- Gear Design.

Dr. Ashraf Omran is an Associate Professor in the Facilities Engineering Department at Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) and an EP lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). He earned a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt, in 2002. He then spent four years as a teaching and research assistant at Cairo University, where he received his Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, focusing on the topic of “Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control of Stewart Manipulator.” Following a scholarship, he earned his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering Science from Old Dominion University (ODU), VA, in 2010.

Shortly thereafter, he joined the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at ODU to teach and work as a research scientist on enhancing the ATOS NASA Flight Simulator. He then worked at Fiat for nearly eight years, during which he registered twenty-four patents in the field of transmission control systems. Later, Dr. Omran returned to academia, teaching at Texas A&M, Loyola University in Chicago, IIT, and currently at MMA and JHU. Dr. Omran has authored dozens of papers in the fields of dynamics, robotics, and control. He has received several awards, including the 2010 Lee M. Klinefelter Faculty Award for Overall Excellence in Aerospace at ODU.

Dr. Ashraf Omran is a member of ASME and AIAA. He has served as a session chair at the American Control Conference and is a reviewer for journals such as the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics; Aerospace Science and Technology; the Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control; Nonlinear Dynamics; the Journal of Vibration and Control; the Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; and the Journal of Zhejiang University—SCIENCE.

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