Osborn / Broadfoot / Mcness | A World of Difference? | Buch | 978-0-335-22736-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Osborn / Broadfoot / Mcness

A World of Difference?

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22736-5
Verlag: Open University Press

This fascinating volume compares the experience of young learners in England, France and Denmark in order to examine the relationship between national educational cultures, individual biographies and classroom practices in creating the context for learning. It explores how secondary schools in three very different education systems work to develop the aptitudes and attitudes conducive to lifelong learning in conditions of complexity, uncertainty and multiple change. By drawing upon a rich data-set including questionnaires, individual and group interviews and classroom observation, the book gives a voice to young learners in the three countries. Through detailed case studies and quotations it examines their concerns with schooling, with teachers, with motivation and achievement and explores the very different social contexts which influence their engagement with learning.

This book will be an essential resource for researchers, practitioners, students and policy-makers and all those committed to understanding the relationship between culture and learning and to improving secondary education.
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Weitere Infos & Material

a time for learning, the challenge of the 21st century
New methodologies for comparative research
Three European education systems compared
England, France and Denmark
School organization in the three countries
The micro-politics of classroom life
Teacher perspectives in the three countries
'Constants' and 'contexts' in pupil experience
young learners views of schooling, teaching and learning
A world of difference?
the creation of identity as a pupil and a learner
Young learners
what makes a difference? the influence of socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity and attainment
culture, context and policy

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