E-Book, Englisch, 166 Seiten
Otto The Seafarer's Mind
1. Auflage 2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4196-1
Verlag: BookRix
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
The Questions I've Always Wanted to Ask
E-Book, Englisch, 166 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4196-1
Verlag: BookRix
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
Weitere Infos & Material
I have read with great interest The Seafarer’s Mind, the new book from Reverend Martin Otto. Martin’s books, of which this is the fifth, are written in such a way that Christian seafarers, and ship visitors like myself, can easily identify with the very real challenges seafarers face with a life at sea. Personally, the thing I like the most about Martin’s books, is the fact that they contain plenty of testimonies from seafarers themselves. These testimonies give the reader insight into how seafarers are helped by their Christian faith. I thoroughly recommend The Seafarer’s Mind. May you, as the reader, find guidance with the support of other seafarers who have found help from Christ. Martin, thank you for this new gift in seafarer ministry – may our Lord bless you in your ship visiting and writing ministry in the port of Hamburg. Revd. Alexander Eberson,
Sailors’ Society
Port chaplain Terneuzen (Netherlands) and Ghent (Belgium)
Martin Otto has written several books that have been a blessing for both seafarers and those interested in working with them. This book is a practical look at many of the key issues that seafarers deal with on a regular basis. He has the ability to help us understand the complexities of working at sea. As a port chaplain I was able to gain a greater understanding of what seafarers are going through both on the ships and back at home with their families. I was surprised to know of many of their struggles, but I think it’s wonderful how God is working through them to bring seafarers into his kingdom and closer to him. I pray that many seafarers will read this book so they can better understand how to deal with the ship’s life and more quickly find God’s presence to help them navigate through life at sea. Mark Wodka
Port Chaplain
Canaveral – USA
Port Ministry International (PMI) Ensuring that you have your firm foundation anchored on Jesus Christ is the most important decision you will ever make as a seafarer. Diligently and faithfully seek to know Him and His will for your life. Be equipped and ready when the storms of life are come rushing to push you down. At the end of the day, no matter what threats, storms or waves of ocean may overwhelm you, you can rest assured that He is still in control. This book aims to help you by inspiring you with real accounts of seafarers onboard who would like to give light and hope to those who need it most. They are offering you sound advice, encouragement, guidance and sense of direction to point you to the Only True God, the Living God who has power over the seas and winds to keep you standing firm on your Christian faith. I pray that this book will bless you as much as it has blessed me. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Capt. Joel Abutal MM. MSc,
Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA)
Bro. Martin’s compilation of seafarer’s experiences, are authentic and real life experiences. Congratulations again on your new book which I believe will be used to encourage other seafarers to serve more in the vineyard of the Lord. God’s anointing is on the author of this book. Continue to be a blessing to us seafarers Bro. Martin. You are a blessing indeed!! Your brother, in His grace! Capt. Nestor M. Vargas
Fleet Manager
Michaelmar Philippines Inc.
In this book Martin Otto shows with empathy and a deep understanding what the concerns and challenges are that is constantly weighing on the minds of many seafarers. Best of all, seafarers are speaking for themselves and explain the dilemmas they are facing every day, such as doing what they are doing for their families, but at the same time, in many ways, sacrificing their families. The price for being a seafarer is often very high and leads to a sense of being trapped. What for many seafarers begins as a dream, ends up as a nightmare. Well done to Martin for weaving together a rich description of the problem, but also for pointing out and showing with compassion and understanding the way to the Solution: The God of relationship, friendship and not the God of religion. Christ’s forgiveness and grace are presented as the answer that will lead to healing and restoration. This includes very practical help with important aspects of the seafarers’ lives such as marriage, parenting, improving communication, overcoming temptations and so much more. I enjoyed reading the book very much. Well done for writing another excellent book! Thank you, Martin, and all the seafarers who participated in making this wonderful book possible. I strongly recommend this book to seafarers, families and friends of seafarers as well as anyone involved in the wonderful ministry to seafarers. Chris Viljoen PhD
Port Chaplain,
Durban, South-Africa
Christian Seaman’s Organisation
I just finished reading your impressive book about the life and struggles of the seafarers. Your new book “The Seafarers’ Mind” is more than a narration of what is going inside the minds of seafarers on board. It is a collection of both dramatic and inspiring real-life stories of seafarers in their hearts as they traverse the seas and return to land. It is a thought-provoking book, which opened my eyes and touched my heart to the human struggles and spiritual victories of seafarers, how they work on the ship despite loneliness and sickness, how they try to keep marriage and family together at home. The book shows the reader the human side of seafarers, who are not anonymous machines, but human beings with hope despite despair, faith despite temptations. The life-situation of seafarers shows the dark side of globalized commerce and world-wide poverty today: how people are forced to abandon their homes for survival, how they endure inhuman working conditions for the sake of their loved ones left behind. This book gives tribute and respect to the challenging life of seafarers, which is often ignored and forgotten. It also gives bible-based spiritual guidance to Christian seafarers and workers in the maritime industry. I recommend this book to anyone who seeks to understand the plight of the seafarers, as well as their faith and hope. Fr. Simon Boiser SVD
Port Chaplain
Stella Maris – Hamburg
As a Port Chaplain myself, this is a must read. ‘The Seafarer’s Mind’ will be a reminder for me for many years to come. Like Martin’s previous work, this book has guided my missionary work and seafarers are moved by it. It’s such an emotional piece of work too! The author was able to touch my heart as he shared about some common life challenges. It is an inspiring book, which I have recommended to my fellow Chaplains. Mark Classen
Port Chaplain,
Richards Bay – South-Africa
Mission to Seafarers (MtS)
Through the years, many books have been written about the glorious vocation of Seamanship. I’ve read beautiful books about life at sea; about exciting adventures, frightening tales about ocean mishaps, battling the forces of nature, about the allure of sailing the worlds’ oceans and visiting distant lands. Books with beautiful pictures of the elegance of ships old and new. …but this is the first book that I have read which provides an introspective look at what goes on in the mind of a seafarer, something many other books ignore or gloss over. Through first-hand accounts, it dissects the effect of separation from his/her family, spouse or children: the doubt, fear, confusion, and loneliness that comes with the job. It unashamedly raises questions about legacy, parenting and faith. These are the realities of the vocation and correctly need to be explored, together with the good and the glorious. Martin Otto has written a genuinely important book about an aspect of a sailor’s life not normally discussed. It is a book that looks at the seafarer as a ‘complete’ person, both human and spiritual. It is much more than just the sum total of their talents and experiences. It brings to life Teilhard de Chardins’ words – “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” This literary work will help many sailors navigate a safe and successful passage for their careers and their family. I highly recommend it to all our great seafarers and professionals who work on board ships. In fact, it should be recommended reading for all of us that are responsible for the careers of our seafaring brothers and sisters. Jose Ramon Garcia
Ventis Maritime Corporation
Manila, Philippines
As I read Martin’s latest book I was quite emotional because I could identify with so many of the stories and experiences shared. This book reveals the heart cry of the many unseen workers of our world who transport around 90% of world trade across the vast oceans of our world. Do you feel trapped by circumstances of bad life choices? Do you find family happiness and marriage vows to be slipping? This wonderful book will encourage you to find the answers in the One who can help where all other solutions fail. God is our loving heavenly Father and he wants the best for you in this life and in the life to come. This book will help you in re-evaluating your priorities and in valuing the priceless things in your life. Thank you again Martin for giving a voice to the voiceless and hope to those in need of Christian encouragement. In this book may you find the mind of Christ for you and your family. One seafarer recently told me “as I read...