Our Stories in Our Voices | Buch | 978-1-7924-2931-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 458 Seiten, Paperback

Our Stories in Our Voices

Buch, Englisch, 458 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-7924-2931-6
Verlag: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

This Anthology, Our Stories in Our Voices, examines American history, education, ethnic identity, and the continued struggle for social justice through the lens of people of color in the United States. The chapters in this publication begin to bring to the forefront topics that have been largely ignored but are essential for students to learn so that they can serve their own communities.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction to Our Stories in Our Voices by Dale Allender
Introduction to the Ethnic Studies Discipline
“We’re Going Out. Are You With Us?” The Origins of Asian American Studies by Gregory Yee Mark
Why Ethnic Studies Was Meant for Me by Rosana Chavez-Hernandez - Unit I Inventing Images, Representing Otherness - 1. California History: Depth and Breadth From Original American Indian Tribal Nations: Beyond a Mere 250 Years by Crystal Martinez-Alire and Rose Borunda With Susan Olsen
- 2. Mixed-Race Individuals: A Solution for Race Relations in America? by Darryl Omar Freeman
- 3. Californios: Beyond What We Learned in Fourth Grade by Mimi Coughlin
- 4. “Imaginary Indians” Are Not Real by Brian Baker
- 5. Implicit Bias: Schools Not Prisons! by Rita Cameron Wedding and Jon Wedding
- 6. Innocent American Life: My Experience as a Muslim Woman by Aaminah Norris
- 7. Perspective by Abner Minor Ms. Sims’ Ethnic Studies Class
- 8. Don’t use that Tone with Me! Intonation and Identity: An Interview with Dr. Nicole Holliday and Gretchen McCulloch
- 9. Learning Arabic by Dan West
- 10. That Special Relationship—Puerto Rico and the United States by Daisy Diaz-Granados
- 11. Intersectionality: How It Looks by Ebony Williams

- Unit II Ghosts of the Past - 12. My Father’s Labor: An Unknown, but Valued History by Julie López Figueroa and Macedonio Figueroa
- 13. Self-Silhouette by Carolina Corona Ms. Sims Ethnic Studies Class
- 14. The Hmong in the United States by Bao Lo
- 15. About Me by Mikala Her Ms. Sims Ethnic Studies
- 16. Haitano by Molaundo Jones
- 17. Iu Mien—We the People by Fahm Khouan-Saelee and Muey Ion Saetern
- 18. Filipino Americans: From “Indians” to “Asians” in America by James Sobredo
- 19. Tungtong: Share Your Stories by Marietess Masulit

- Unit III A Glimpse of California - 20. No Utopia: The African American Struggle for Fair Housing in Postwar Sacramento From 1948 to 1967 by Damany Fisher
- 21. From Golden Empire to Valley High: A Mixed Girl’s Education in Sacramento by Toni Tinker
- 22. Growing Up Mixed in Sacramento by Tiaura McQueen Ms. Sims Ethnic Studies
- 23. Japanese Americans—Incarceration to Redress by Masayuki Hatano
- 24. Double Happiness: Chinese American History—Through the Lens of Family, Community, and Food by Gregory Yee Mark and Christina Fa Mark
- 25. The Story of California, Ishi, and NAGPRA by Vanessa Esquivido-Meza
- 26. The Angel Island Story: Asian Immigration, Paper Sons, and Poetry of Resistance by Gregory Yee Mark and Christina Fa Mark
- 27. Sacramento Teen On Stephon Clark’s Death: “My Community Is Hurting” by Rachael Francois

- Unit IV Solidarity - 28. Capitol City Civics and the Black Panther Party by Dale Allender
- 29. All Mothers were Summoned when He Called Out for His Mama
- 30. Ifa in Oshogbo by Charles Vincent Burwell and Molaundo Jones
- 31. Fiji and Fijians in Sacramento by Mitieli Rokolacadamu Gonemaituba, Neha Chand, Darsha Naidu, Jenisha Lal, Jonathan Singh, Shayal Sharma, and Gregory Yee Mark
- 32. Move on the 45 by Dale Allender and Molaundo Jones
- 33. Danza Azteca: Movement, Music, and Memories by Sohnya Castorena
- 34. Unmasking the Spirit: Danza at Sol Collective A Photo Essay by Arya Dawn Allender-West
- 35. The Legacy of MLK Is Alive Today In These Young Activists by Youth Radio Editors
- 36. “We can’t just stand aside now”: Oakland’s Fortune Cookie Factory Stands With Black Lives Matter by Annalise Harlow
Glossary compiled by Dr. Dale Allender

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