Panwar / Vyas | Advances in Dairy Microbial Products | Buch | 978-0-323-85793-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 418 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1380 g

Panwar / Vyas

Advances in Dairy Microbial Products

Buch, Englisch, 418 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1380 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-85793-2
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Advances in Dairy Microbial Products describes the importance and utility of microbial products used in dairy products. This book explains the makeup of these products in a scientifically sound yet simple manner. The appeal of this book is its holistic approach to addressing the different aspects of the dairy industry, from basic dairy microbial biochemistry to production of dairy products and their nutrient quality, and finally to machine learning applications in dairy industry. Comprised of chapters written and edited by international authorities and researchers with top expertise in dairy products, it offers both established and cutting-edge solutions to the numerous challenges commonly encountered in the industrial processing of milk and the production of milk products. This book offers a highly practical approach to the topic, addressing and tackling the problems faced in the workplace by dairy technologists.

Researchers and practitioners will find this book to be an ideal source of thorough and up-to-date information on dairy microbial products while also appealing to beginners seeking to understand how advanced dairy technologies can increase the efficiency of current techniques.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Global Scenario of fermented dairy products: Current Advancements and Future Challenges 2. Recent advances in microbial diversity usage in fermented dairy microbial products 3. Recent trends in fungal dairy fermented foods 4. Recent trends in alkaline fermented foods 5. Recent trend in IPR protection in fermented dairy products across the globe 6. Insights into the technological and nutritional aspects of lactic milk drinks- Buttermilk 7. Advancement in acidophilus milk Production technology 8. Advancement of yogurt Production technology 9. Innovative Practices in the Development of Yogurt with special concern over Texture and Flavour 10. Pathogenic microorganisms in Milk: their source, hazardous role and identification 11. Fermented paste using dairy important microbes 12. Chemistry and Material Studies in fermented dairy products 13. Advancement in cheese production technology 14. Advancement in Kefir Production technology 15. Innovations in the preservation and improving functional properties of Kefir 16. Health Benefits of Probiotics: An Overview 17. Recent advancement in the production of probiotics fermented beverages 18. Probiotics in dairy products: microencapsulation and delivery 19. The effect of innovative processing technologies on probiotics stability 20. The effect of thermal processing on probiotics stability 21. Hydrogels as carrier for the delivery of probiotics 22. Dairy-derived antimicrobial substances: Microorganisms, applications and recent trends 23. Bacteriocins and antimicrobial peptides as an alternative to antibiotics 24. Nanobiotechnology in fermented dairy products 25. Application of Nanomaterials in Dairy Industry 26. Development of biosensor based technology for detection of pathogenic organisms pre and post production for dairy products 27. Machine Learning Applications in Dairy Farm Management

Vyas, Ashish
Ashish Vyas is a professor and head of the Department of Microbiology at Lovely Professional University, India. His primary area of research focuses on the multidisciplinary field of fermentation technology, with specialization in microbial enzymes. Dr. Vyas has more than 40 peer-reviewed national and international publications and has delivered numerous oral and poster presentations in various platforms. Dr. Vyas is the Member Secretary of the Association of Microbiology (India-LPU unit)

Panwar, Joginder Singh
Prof. Joginder Singh is a Professor at the Department of Botany, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland, India. Previously, he worked as a Professor in the School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University and also as a Young Scientist at Microbial Biotechnology and Biofertilizer Laboratory, Department of Botany, Jai Narain Vyas University on a research project funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He is an active member of various scientific societies and organizations, including the Association of Microbiologists of India, the Indian Society of Salinity Research Scientists, the Indian Society for Radiation Biology, and the European Federation of Biotechnology. He has published extensively with Elsevier and Springer both in journals and books. He serves as a reviewer for many prestigious journals, including Current Research in Engineering, Science and Technology; Journal of Cleaner Production; Science of the Total Environment; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Pedosphere; Soil and Sediment Contamination; Symbiosis; International Journal of Phytoremediation; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Annals of Agricultural Sciences; and Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

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