Parker / Elmore / Methven | Flavour Development, Analysis and Perception in Food and Beverages | Buch | 978-0-08-101382-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 600 g

Parker / Elmore / Methven

Flavour Development, Analysis and Perception in Food and Beverages

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 600 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-101382-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Flavour is a critical aspect of food production and processing, requiring careful design, monitoring and testing in order to create an appealing food product. This book looks at flavour generation, flavour analysis and sensory perception of food flavour and how these techniques can be used in the food industry to create new and improve existing products. Part one covers established and emerging methods of characterising and analysing taste and aroma compounds. Part two looks at different factors in the generation of aroma. Finally, part three focuses on sensory analysis of food flavour.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- List of contributors
- Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition
- Introduction
- Part One: Characterisation and analysis of aroma compounds - 1. Introduction to aroma compounds in foods - Abstract
- 1.1 Introduction to aroma
- 1.2 Sensomics and some definitions
- 1.3 Structure, aroma and occurrence of compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
- 1.4 Structure, aroma and occurrence of oxygen heterocycles and phenols
- 1.5 Structure, aroma and occurrence of nitrogen compounds
- 1.6 Structure, aroma and occurrence of sulfur compounds
- 1.7 The future of flavour research
- 1.8 Further reading

- 2. Extraction techniques for analysis of aroma compounds - Abstract
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Choosing an appropriate method for aroma extraction
- 2.3 Good practice
- 2.4 Headspace SPME
- 2.5 Solvent-assisted flavour evaporation
- 2.6 Solid-phase extraction
- 2.7 The future of aroma extraction

- 3. Aroma extract analysis - Abstract
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
- 3.3 Quantification
- 3.4 Gas chromatography-olfactometry
- 3.5 Future trends in GC-MS

- 4. Analysis of taints and off-flavours - Abstract
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 The origins of taints and off-flavours in food
- 4.3 Consumer perception and sensory evaluation
- 4.4 Methods of analysis
- 4.5 Examples of taints and the methods employed
- 4.6 Future trends

- 5. Chemical sensors - Abstract
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Beverage industry
- 5.3 Perspectives for application of chemical sensors in the food and beverage industries
- 5.4 Summary and conclusions

- 6. Aroma release - Abstract
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Physicochemical properties of aroma compounds
- 6.3 Equilibrium partitioning of flavour compounds
- 6.4 Non-equilibrium partitioning of aroma compounds
- 6.5 Aroma release during oral processing
- 6.6 Future trends
- 6.7 Sources of further information

- Part Two: Generation of aroma - 7. Biogenesis of aroma compounds: flavour formation in fruits and vegetables - Abstract
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Biosynthesis of aroma compounds - general aspects
- 7.3 Maturation and ripening processes
- 7.4 Formation pathways for flavour compounds
- 7.5 Conclusions

- 8. Thermal generation or aroma - Abstract
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 The Maillard reaction
- 8.3 Lipid oxidation
- 8.4 Other reactions
- 8.5 Process flavours
- 8.6 Summary and future work

- 9. The role of sulfur chemistry in thermal generation of aroma - Abstract
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 The Maillard reaction
- 9.3 The Strecker degradation
- 9.4 Thiamine degradation
- 9.5 Allium species
- 9.6 Roasted sesame seeds
- 9.7 Conclusion

- 10. Predicting aroma formation with kinetic models - Abstract
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Maillard reaction
- 10.3 Kinetics and modelling
- 10.4 Multiresponse modelling
- 10.5 Some model studies on the Maillard reaction
- 10.6 Kinetics and modelling of flavour compounds
- 10.7 Future trends

- 11. Approaches to production of natural flavours - Abstract
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Classical fermentation from a sugar source
- 11.3 Microbial conversion of a natural precursor molecule
- 11.4 Enzymatic conversion of a natural precursor molecule using a plant homogenate
- 11.5 Fermentation from a sugar source using GMO
- 11.6 Conclusion

- 12. Managing flavour changes during storage - Abstract
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Lipid oxidation mechanism
- 12.3 Impact of lipid oxidation on flavour
- 12.4 Analysis of lipid oxidation
- 12.5 Prevention of lipid oxidation
- 12.6 Novel approaches for the prevention of oxidation
- 12.7 Future trends
- 12.8 Further reading

- Part Three: Perception of flavour - 13. Interaction of aroma compounds with food matrices - Abstract
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of aroma compounds
- 13.3 Physico-chemical interactions in simple systems
- 13.4 Physico-chemical interactions in multiphasic systems
- 13.5 Incidence of aroma-matrix interactions on aroma release and perception in cheeses
- 13.6 Conclusion and future trends
- 13.7 Sources of further information

- 14. Taste receptors - Abstract
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Tastants
- 14.3 Taste receptors: G protein-coupled receptors
- 14.4 Taste receptors: ion channels
- 14.5 Taste modulators
- 14.6 Conclusion and future trends

- 15. Umami compounds and taste enhancers - Abstract
- 15.1 The molecular basis of umami taste perception
- 15.2 Umami taste perception at the receptor level
- 15.3 Identification of taste-active and taste-modulating compounds
- 15.4 Molecular features of umami compounds and taste enhancers
- 15.5 Natural occurrence of umami compounds and taste enhancers
- 15.6 Summary and outlook: recent advances and trends in umami research

- 16. Techniques in sensory analysis of flavour - Abstract
- 16.1 Introduction to the fundamental types of sensory evaluation
- 16.2 Analytical versus synthetic measurement
- 16.3 Deciding on a sensory protocol
- 16.4 Analytical sensory techniques and their relevance to flavour evaluation
- 16.5 Individual differences in flavour perception
- 16.6 Conclusion

- 17. Consumer perceptions of food and beverage flavour - Abstract
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 Multisensory integration and flavour perception
- 17.3 Consumer preferences
- 17.4 Individual differences in perception
- 17.5 Consumer-oriented methods
- 17.6 Conclusion

- 18. Physiological impacts of odour compounds - Abstract
- Acknowledgement
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 Immediate processes and effects
- 18.3 Post-inhalation and post-ingestion processes
- 18.4 Conclusions

- Index

Methven, Lisa
Lisa Methven, The Flavour Centre, University of Reading, UK

Parker, J K
Jane K. Parker, The Flavour Centre, University of Reading, UK

Elmore, Stephen
Stephen Elmore, The Flavour Centre, University of Reading, UK

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