Payne / Hahn | Understanding Your Health with HealthQuest 3.0 and Learning to Go: Health | Medienkombination | 978-0-07-253067-4 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Payne / Hahn

Understanding Your Health with HealthQuest 3.0 and Learning to Go: Health

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-253067-4
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Understanding Your Health takes an exciting and practical approach to the teaching of personal health and its traditional content areas. Its two themes, the six dimensions of health and the five developmental tasks, help students apply the text's content to their own lives by improving their decision-making skills. New texts now come packaged with HealthQuest!
Payne / Hahn Understanding Your Health with HealthQuest 3.0 and Learning to Go: Health jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1 Shaping Your HealthUnit 1 The Mind2 Achieving Psychological Wellness3 Managing StressUnit 2 The Body4 Becoming Physically Fit5 Understanding Nutrition and Your Diet6 Maintaining a Healthy WeightUnit 3 Drug Abuse and Dependence7 Living Drug-Free8 Using Alcohol Responsibly9 Rejecting Tobacco UseUnit 4 Diseases10 Reducing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease11 Living with Cancer12 Managing Chronic Conditions13 Preventing Infectious Disease TransmissionUnit 5 Sexuality and Reproduction14 Exploring the Origins of Sexuality15 Understanding Sexual Behavior and Relationships16 Managing Your Fertility17 Becoming a ParentUnit 6 Consumerism18 Making Informed Health-Care Decisions19 Protecting Your Safety20 Accepting Dying and DeathAppendix 1 First AidAppendix 2 Body SystemsAppendix 3 Canadian HealthExam Prep

Payne, Wayne A.
Wayne A. Payne has been a faculty member at Ball State University for 27 years. He is Professor of Health Science in the Department of Physiology and Health Science. Payne earned his Ed.D. in health education at the University of Tennessee, his M.S. in school health education at Ball State University, and his B.S. in biology at Ball State University. He is a former director of BSU's London Centre program and serves as a volunteer board member for the Alpha Center, a residential facility for elderly homeless men. His research interests include aging and adult development, and he recently began teaching a new course that focuses on concepts of anatomy and physiology as they relate to disease prevention and health promotion. He is an avid reader and enjoys fishing, running, and bicycling.

Hahn, Dale B
Dale B. Hahn has been a faculty member at Ball State University for 19 years. He is Professor of Health Science in the Department of Physiology and Health Science. Hahn earned his Ph.D. in health education at Ohio State University, his M.Ed. in sports administration at Ohio University, and his B.A. in psychology from Allegheny College. He has published in a variety of health-related professional journals and is an active member of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, the American School Health Association, the American Association of University Professors, and the Sigma Xi fraternity. Hahn has led college students on educational trips to China, Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan. He enjoys many outdoor fitness activities, including backpacking and running.

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