Payne / Seymour / Ingleton | Palliative Care Nursing | Buch | 978-0-335-22740-2 |

Buch, Englisch

Payne / Seymour / Ingleton

Palliative Care Nursing

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22740-2
Verlag: Open University Press

".this is an excellent book that is interesting, easy to read and very useful for health care professionals."

Palliative Medicine

This innovative interdisciplinary textbook reviews current research and examines the evidence base for palliative care practice. Focusing on palliative care for adults, the first three sections use a novel framework - the trajectory of life-limiting illness - to cover key issues including:

- What happens to people as they become ill

- How individuals cope as they near death and are dying

- How families and friends deal with bereavement and loss

The final section addresses contemporary issues in nursing and inter-professional working. The book contains helpful overviews and is written in an informative and reader-friendly style.

Palliative Care Nursing is essential reading for post-qualifying nursing students and all nurses and health/social care professionals who provide care to people with advanced illness and those who are near the end of life.
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List of Contributors



Part 1: Encountering illness


History, gender and culture in the rise of palliative care

What’s in a name?: a concept analysis of key terms in palliative care nursing

User involvement and palliative care: rhetoric or reality?

Referral patterns and access into specialist palliative care

Acute hospital care

Transitions in status from wellness to illness, illness to wellness: coping with recurrence and remission

Communication, the patient and the palliative care team

Approaches to assessment in palliative care

Part 2: Transitions into the terminal phase


Good for the soul?: the spiritual dimension of hospice and palliative care

Working with difficult symptoms

Pain: theories, evaluation and management

Emotions and cognitions: psychological aspects of care
Working with family caregivers in a palliative care setting
Supporting families of terminally ill persons

Social death: the impact of protracted dying

No way in: including the excluded at the end of life

Ethical issues at the end of life: a very short introduction

The impact of socialization on the dying process
Palliative care in institutions

Part 3: Loss and bereavement


Nursing care at the time of death

Organ and tissue donation: helping patients and families to make choices

The care and support of bereaved people

Bereavement support: the perspective of community nurses

Risk assessment and bereavement services

Bereavement support services

Families and children facing loss and bereavement: childhood bereavement services - a diversity of models and practices

Part 4: Contemporary issues


Professional boundaries in palliative care

The cost of caring: surviving the culture of niceness, occupational stress and coping strategies

Specialist professional education in palliative care: how did we get here and where are we going?

Information and communication technology in nursing: current role and future scope

Research and scholarship in palliative care nursing
Developing expert palliative care nursing through research and practice development

Policy, audit, evaluation and clinical governance

Leading and managing nurses in a changing environment Conclusion


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