Pemberton | The Great White Army | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 166 Seiten

Pemberton The Great White Army

Historical Novel

E-Book, Englisch, 166 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654700607-7
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

In 'The Great White Army' by Max Pemberton, the reader is transported to the world of British fiction through a riveting tale of war, patriotism, and heroism. Set against the backdrop of the Boer War, the book captures the essence of conflict and camaraderie through Pemberton's vivid descriptions and compelling narrative style. The novel's historical context adds depth and authenticity to the story, creating a captivating reading experience for enthusiasts of military fiction and historical novels. Pemberton's attention to detail and character development make 'The Great White Army' a standout in the genre. The book's themes of honor, sacrifice, and courage resonate with readers, leaving a lasting impact long after the final page is turned. Max Pemberton, a British author and medical doctor, brings a unique perspective to 'The Great White Army' with his background in both literature and medicine. As a prolific writer, Pemberton's passion for storytelling shines through in this engrossing novel, drawing on his expertise to create a gripping narrative that immerses readers in the world of the Boer War. His literary prowess and historical knowledge combine to make 'The Great White Army' a must-read for fans of historical fiction and military literature. I highly recommend 'The Great White Army' to readers seeking an immersive and thought-provoking journey through the tumultuous times of the Boer War. Pemberton's masterful storytelling and vivid imagery make this book a compelling read for anyone interested in history, war fiction, or simply a well-crafted tale of bravery and resilience.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Max Pemberton, a prominent British author active at the turn of the 20th century, is most recognized for his work, 'The Great White Army' (1915), which vividly portrays the challenges and heroics of medical professionals during wartime. Pemberton's literary style often merged elements of adventure with a deep sense of patriotism, likely derived from his own experiences and the zeitgeist of the era. While 'The Great White Army' may not be his most famous work, it remains a testament to his ability to depict the sacrifice and commitment of individuals facing the horrors of war. Pemberton's oeuvre includes a rich tapestry of narratives, where he adeptly intertwines the thrills of adventure fiction with the complexities of human character and morality. These themes are readily found in his books such as 'The Iron Pirate' and 'The Sea Wolves'. Pemberton's contribution to literature also extended beyond his novels; he was a notable journalist and editor. Given his influence and the breadth of his writing, Max Pemberton holds a firm place in the annals of British literature, particularly in the realms of adventure fiction and narratives set against the backdrop of profound historical events.

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