Phillips | High-Impact Human Capital Strategy: Addressing the 12 Major Challenges Todays Organizations Face | Buch | 978-0-8144-3606-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 63 mm x 93 mm


High-Impact Human Capital Strategy: Addressing the 12 Major Challenges Todays Organizations Face

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 63 mm x 93 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-3606-6
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Traditionally, human resources has focused on recruiting good people, preparing them for assignments, motivating them to perform, and retaining them. These functions remain essential, but to be successful in turbulent times like ours, human capital strategy needs to be broader and much more far-reaching.High-Impact Human Capital Strategy examines 12 critical forces that must be considered: globalization, changes in workforce demographics, skill shortages and mismatches in labor markets, environmental matters, and more. It shows how to incorporate each into an effective overall plan, and how to translate that plan into action.You’ll learn to design human capital programs that: - Connect with business measures - Achieve positive ROIEnsure critical talent is in place - Boost engagement - Address work/life balance and other social issues - Reduce the need to outsourceCase studies and step-by-step guidelines help you move beyond hiring-training benefits functions, to develop human capital strategies that deliver measurablevalue in the face of ongoing challenges.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Contents Preface Chapter 1The Importance of Human Capital: The Journey to Show the Value Chapter 2The Importance of Human Capital Strategy and The Role of the CHRO Chapter 3Force 1: Set the Appropriate Investment Level Chapter 4Force 2: Align with Business Needs Chapter 5Force 3: Managing Talent for Value Chapter 6Force 4: Engage Your Employees at Work Chapter 7Force 5: Create a Performance and Innovation Culture Chapter 8Force 6: Keep Employees Healthy Chapter 9Force 7: Embrace Demographics and Societal Changes Chapter 10Force 8: Utilize Technology Effectively Chapter 11Force 9: Confront Globalization Chapter 12Force 10: Protect the Environment Chapter 13Force 11: Build Global Leaders Chapter 14Force 12: Use Analytics and Big Data References Index

Phillips, Jack
Jack Phillips, Ph.D., is the founder of Performance Resources Organization, now the world's leading consulting firm specializing in accountability issues. The author or editor of more than 200 books and 100 articles, including The Handbook of Training Evaluation and Measurement, he has served as a bank president, Fortune 500 training and development manager, and professor of management at a major state university. His clients in 20 countries include such internationally respected companies as AT&T, Federal Express, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, and Xerox.

Jack Phillips, Ph.D., and Patricia Pulliam Phillips, Ph.D., are chairman and president/CEO, respectively, of the ROI Institute. They are active consultants and prolific speakers.

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