Buch, Englisch, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 990 g
ISBN: 978-3-03835-608-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
GADEST 2015: Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology, September 20-25, 2015, Bad Staffelstein, Germany.
The 7
papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Growth of Mono- and Multi-Crystalline Silicon;
Chapter 2: Passivation and Defect Studies in Solar Cells;
Chapter 3: Intrinsic Point Defects and Dislocations in Silicon;
Chapter 4: Light Elements in Silicon-Based Materials;
Chapter 5: Properties and Gettering of Transition Metals in Silicon;
Chapter 6: Radiation- and Impurity-Related Defect Studies in Silicon and Germanium;
Chapter 7: Thermal Properties of Semiconductors;
Chapter 8: Luminescence and Optical Properties of Semiconductors; Chapter 9: Nano-Sized Layers and Structures; Chapter 10: Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors; Chapter 11: Advanced Methods and Tools for Investigation of Semiconductor Materials
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Growth of Mono- and Multi-Crystalline Silicon
Growth of Czochralski Silicon Crystals Having Ultralow Carbon Concentrations
Electrically Inactive Dopants in Heavily Doped As-Grown Czochralski Silicon
Orientation Dependency of Dislocation Generation in Si Growth Process
Recent Progress of Crystal Growth Technology for Multi-Crystalline Silicon Solar Ingot
50 cm Size Seed Cast Si Ingot Growth and its Characterization
Statistical Consideration of Grain Growth Mechanism of Multicrystalline Si by One-Directional Solidification Technique
Potential Synthesis of Solar-Grade Silicon from Rice Husk Ash
Chapter 2: Passivation and Defect Studies in Solar Cells
Valence-Mending Passivation of Si(100) Surface: Principle, Practice and Application
Impact of the Gate Material on the Deep Levels in a-Si:H/c-Si Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Capacitors
Stable, Extrinsic, Field Effect Passivation for Back Contact Silicon Solar Cells
Investigation of Parasitic Edge Recombination in High-Lifetime Oxidized n-Si
BO-Related Defects: Overcoming Bulk Lifetime Degradation in Crystalline Si by Regeneration
Discussion of ASi-Sii-Defect Model in Frame of Experimental Results on P Line in Indium Doped Silicon
Investigation into Efficiency-Limiting Defects in mc-Si Solar Cells
Experimental Proof of the Slow Light-Induced Degradation Component in Compensated n-Type Silicon
Low Temperature Internal Gettering of Bulk Defects in Silicon Photovoltaic Materials
Low Temperature Activation of Grown-In Defects Limiting the Lifetime of High Purity n-Type Float-Zone Silicon Wafers
Minority Carrier Lifetime Improvement of Multicrystalline Silicon Using Combined Saw Damage Gettering and Emitter Formation
Chapter 3: Intrinsic Point Defects and Dislocations in Silicon
Vacancy Species Produced by Rapid Thermal Annealing of Silicon Wafers
Electronic Properties of Dislocations
Interplay of Ni and Au Atoms with Dislocations and Vacancy Defects Generated by Moving Dislocations in Si
Spatial Distribution of the Dislocation Trails in Silicon
Chapter 4: Light Elements in Silicon-Based Materials
Hydrogen-Vacancy Complexes and their Deep States in n-Type Silicon
Metastable Defects in Proton Implanted and Annealed Silicon
The Efficiency of Hydrogen-Doping as a Function of Implantation Temperature
Carbon-Hydrogen Complexes in n- and p-Type SiGe-Alloys Studied by Laplace Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
Determination of the Free Gibbs Energy of Plate-Like Precipitates of Hydrogen Molecules and Silicon Vacancies Formed after H+ Ion Implantation into Silicon and Annealing
Kinetic Model of Precipitate Growth during Phase Separation in Metastable Binary Solid Solutions
Chapter 5: Properties and Gettering of Transition Metals in Silicon
Direct Observations of Fe Impurities in Si with Different Fermi Levels by Mo¨ssbauer Spectroscopy
Mo¨ssbauer Spectroscopy on Fe Impurities in Si Materials
Enhanced Internal Gettering of Iron in n/n+ Epitaxial Silicon Wafer: Effect of High Temperature Rapid Thermal Annealing in Nitrogen Ambient
A Density Functional Study of Iron Segregation at ISFs and S5-(001) GBs in mc-Si
Determination of Activation Energy of the Iron Acceptor Pair Association and Dissociation Reaction
Internal Gettering of Copper for Microelectronic Applications
Segregation Gettering Model for Nickel in p/p+ Silicon Wafers
Detection and Prevention of Palladium Contamination in Silicon Devices
Modeling the Post-Implantation Annealing of Platinum
Electrical Levels and Diffusion Barriers of Early 3d and 4d Transition Metals in Silicon
Search for Effective Sites of Proximity Gettering Induced by Ion Implantation in Si Wafers with First Principles Calculation
Chapter 6: Radiation- and Impurity-Related Defect Studies in Silicon and Germanium
Effect of Nitrogen-Doping on the Properties of Radiation Defect Centers in FZ Silicon
Boron-Related Defects in Low Temperature Irradiated Silicon
Structure, Electronic Properties and Annealing Behavior of Di-Interstitial-Oxygen Center in Silicon
Similarity of Atomic Configurations of Thermally Stable Positron-Sensitive Complexes Produced with 0.9-MeV Electrons and 15-MeV Protons in n–FZ–Si:P Crystals
Interstitial Carbon in p-Type Copper-Doped Silicon
Interaction of Interstitial Copper with Isolated Vacancies in Silicon
Characterization of Si Convertors of Beta-Radiation in the Scanning Electron Microscope
Electrical Properties of Defects in Ga-Doped Ge Irradiated with Fast Electrons and Protons
Spin Relaxation Times of Donor Centers Associated with Lithium in Monoisotopic 28 Si
The Impurity Spin-Dependent Scattering Effects in the Transport and Spin Resonance of Conduction Electrons in Bismuth Doped Silicon
Chapter 7: Thermal Properties of Semiconductors
Heat Flow and Defects in Semiconductors: beyond the Phonon Scattering Assumption
Reduced Thermal Conductivity in Silicon Thin-Films via Vacancies
Chapter 8: Luminescence and Optical Properties of Semiconductors
Ge and GeSn Light Emitters on Si
Analysis of EL Emitted by LEDs on Si Substrates Containing GeSn/Ge Multi Quantum Wells as Active Layers
Electrical Characterization and Defect-Related Luminescence in Oxygen Implanted Silicon
Defect Formation in Ion-Implanted Si - Approach to Controlled Semiconductor Optical Properties
Chapter 9: Nano-Sized Layers and Structures
A Nanoscale Adventure with Silicon: Synthesis, Surface Chemistry, and other Surprises
Defect Composition in Acceptor Doped ZnO Quantum Structures
ZnO Nanoparticle Formation in 64Zn+ Ion Implanted Al2O3
Misfit Dislocation Free Epitaxial Growth of SiGe on Compliant Nano-Structured Silicon
Influence of Composition of Aqueous Electrolytes on Anisotropy of Porous Layer Formation Rate in Heavily Doped Silicon
Chapter 10: Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors
Investigations of Critical Structural Defects in Active Layers of GaN-on-Si for Power Electronic Devices
Radiation Damage in 4H-SiC and its Effect on Power Device Characteristics
Electrical Characterization of Defects Introduced in n-Type N-Doped 4H-SiC during Electron Beam Exposure
A New Approach for Calculating the Band Gap of Semiconductors within the Density Functional Method
Ab Initio Study of MgSe Self-Interstitial (Mgiand Sei)
Chapter 11: Advanced Methods and Tools for Investigation of Semiconductor Materials
Low-Frequency Noise Spectroscopy of Bulk and Border Traps in Nanoscale Devices
Capacitance Transient Spectroscopy Measurements on High-k Metal Gate Field Effect Transistors Fabricated Using 28nm Technology Node
Comparative Investigations of the Surface Damage of Monocrystalline Silicon Wafers by Scanning Infrared Reflection Examination and Raman Spectroscopy
Non-Visual Defect Monitoring with Surface Voltage Mapping: Application for Semiconductor IC and PV Technology
Comparative Spatially Resolved Characterization of a Czochralski-Grown Silicon Crystal by Different Laser-Based Imaging Techniques
Imaging Defect Luminescence of 4H-SiC by Ultraviolet-Photoluminescence