Plender | The European Private International Law of Obligations | Buch | 978-0-421-95490-8 |

Buch, Englisch


The European Private International Law of Obligations

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-421-95490-8
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

From the content:

The character of the Rome I Convention and its transformation to a Regulation. The scope of the convention and of the Rome I Regulation. Basic principles. Particular contracts. Consumer Contracts. Employment Contracts. Mandatory Rules. Ordre Public. The effect of the applicable law. Final provisions. The Scope of the “Rome II” Regulation. The meaning of “non-contractual obligations”. Identification of the County Where the Damage Occurs. Liability for Unfair Competition and Acts Restricting Free Competition. Product Liability. Liability for Environmental Damage. Liability for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. Liability for Industrial Action. Liability for Unjust Enrichment. Negotiorum Gestio. Culpa in Contrahendo. Overriding Mandatory Provisions. Rules of Safety and Conduct. Direct action against the Insurer of the Person Liable. Scope of the Applicable Law. Multiple Liability. Exclusion of Renvoi. Formal Validity. States with more than One Legal System. Burden of Proof. Public Policy of the Foru
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Weitere Infos & Material

The character of the Rome I Convention and its transformation to a Regulation. The scope of the convention and of the Rome I Regulation. Basic principles. Particular contracts. Consumer Contracts. Employment Contracts. Mandatory Rules. Ordre Public. The effect of the applicable law. Final provisions. The Scope of the “Rome II” Regulation. The meaning of “non-contractual obligations”. Identification of the County Where the Damage Occurs. Liability for Unfair Competition and Acts Restricting Free Competition. Product Liability. Liability for Environmental Damage. Liability for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. Liability for Industrial Action. Liability for Unjust Enrichment. Negotiorum Gestio. Culpa in Contrahendo. Overriding Mandatory Provisions. Rules of Safety and Conduct. Direct action against the Insurer of the Person Liable. Scope of the Applicable Law. Multiple Liability. Exclusion of Renvoi. Formal Validity. States with more than One Legal System. Burden of Proof. Public Policy of the Foru

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