(Post-)colonial Archipelagos | Buch | 978-0-472-03884-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

(Post-)colonial Archipelagos

Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-472-03884-8
Verlag: University of Michigan Press

The Puerto Rican debt crisis, the challenges of social, political, and economic transition in Cuba, and the populist politics of Duterte in the Philippines—these topics are typically seen as disparate experiences of social reality. Though these island territories were colonized by the same two colonial powers—by the Spanish Empire and, after 1898, by the United States—research in the fields of history and the social sciences rarely draws links between these three contexts.Located at the intersection of Postcolonial Studies, Latin American Studies, Caribbean Studies, and History, this interdisciplinary volume brings together scholars from the US, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Philippines to examine the colonial legacies of the three island nations of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Instead of focusing on the legacies of US colonialism, the continuing legacies of Spanish colonialism are put center-stage. The analyses offered in the volume yield new and surprising insights into the study of colonial and postcolonial constellations that are of interest not only for experts, but also for readers interested in the social, political, economic, and cultural dynamics of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines during Spanish colonization and in the present. The empirical material profits from a rigorous and systematic analytical framework and is thus easily accessible for students, researchers, and the interested public alike.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Figures and Tables
- Acknowledgments
- Part 1: An archipelagic view on (post-)colonial legacies
- Chapter 1: Hans-JÜrgen Burchardt and Johanna Leinius: Of archipelagic connections and postcolonial divides
- Chapter 2: Johanna Leinius: The paradoxes of (post-)colonial archipelagos – a proposal for postcolonizing comparative research
- Chapter 3: Josep M. Fradera: Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and the crisis of the great Empire: global dynamics and indigenous development
- Part 2: The past and present of the political economy and authority in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
- Chapter 4: Antonio SantamarÍa GarcÍa: Spain in Cuba. Policies, structures, economic practices and colonial relations
- Chapter 5: Jacqueline Laguardia MartÍnez: The political economy of contemporary Cuba
- Chapter 6: Emilio Pantojas-GarcÍa: Puerto Rico’s colonial legacies and post-colonial constellations: Economy, society and polity
- Chapter 7: Ian Seda Irizarry and Argeo QuiÑones: The political economy of contemporary Puerto Rico
- Chapter 8: Alvin A. Camba and Maria Isabel Aguilar: Sui generis: The political economy of the Philippines during the Spanish colonial regime
- Chapter 9: Teresa R. Melgar: The political economy of power in contemporary Philippines: Patterns of continuity and change
- Part 3: The past and present of the hierarchization of difference and power in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
- Chapter 10: Javiher GutiÉrrez Forte and Janet Iglesias Cruz: Spanish colonization’s mark on Cuba
- Chapter 11: Jenny MorÍn Nenoff: Race, gender and social structure in contemporary Cuba: between colonial legacy and current structural transformations
- Chapter 12: Milagros Denis-Rosario: The perpetual colony: historical memory and inequalities in Puerto Rican society
- Chapter 13: Miguel A. Rivera-QuiÑones: Post-colonial colonialism in Puerto Rico: Inequality, capital and social transfers
- Chapter 14: MarÍa Dolores Elizalde: Colonial government and social organization in the Spanish Philippines: Interactions and ruptures
- Chapter 15: Cristina Cielo: Social inequalities and political organization in the Philippines
- Part 4: The (post-)colonial legacies of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines: A comparative view
- Chapter 16: Michael Zeuske: Legacies of slavery and people of African descent in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean
- Chapter 17: Jochen Kemner: Patterns of work, stratification and social prestige in the late Spanish colonial Empire
- Chapter 18: Hans-JÜrgen Burchardt: Lessons learned: The legacies of Spanish colonialism
- Notes
- Contributor Bios
- Index

Hans-JÜrgen Burchardt is Full Professor of International and Intersocietal Relations at the University of Kassel.

Johanna Leinius is Postdoctoral Researcher in the program “Ecologies of Social Cohesion” at the University of Kassel.

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