Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa | Buch | 978-0-7969-2463-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 168 mm x 240 mm

Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 168 mm x 240 mm

ISBN: 978-0-7969-2463-6
Verlag: HSRC Press

South Africa has one of the highest rates of youth unemployment and is renowned for being one of the most unequal societies in the world. In this context, training and education play critical roles in helping young people escape poverty and unemployment.

Post-school Education offers insights about the way in which young people in South Africa navigate their way through a host of post-school training and education options. The topics range from access to, and labour market transitions from, vocational education, adult education, universities, and workplace-based training. The individual chapters offer up-to-date analyses, identify some of the challenges that young people face when accessing training and education and also point to gaps between education and the labour market.

The contributors are all experts in their respective components but write with a holistic view of the post-school education system, using an unashamedly empirical lens. Post-school Education will be of interest to all researchers and policymakers concerned with the transformative role of further education and training in society.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Figures
- Tables
- Abbreviations
- Preface
- 1 The post-school education and training landscape in South Africa: ‘Massification’ amidst inequality - Michael Rogan
- Part 1: Schooling, Progression And Tertiary Education And Training
- 2 Young people’s early adult transitions: Five years in the South African Youth Panel Study - Kathryn Isdale, Vijay Reddy and Lolita Winnaar
- 3 The post matriculation enrolment decision: Do public TVET colleges provide students with a viable alternative? - Nicola Branson and Amy Kahn
- 4 The adult education and training (AET) island: The missing piece of the post-school puzzle - Peliwe Lolwana
- 5 From Grade 12 into, and through, university: Higher education access and success for the 2008 national NSC cohort - Hendrik van Broekhuizen, Servaas van der Berg and Heleen Hofmeyr
- Part 2: Higher Education And The Labour Market
- 6 Over-qualification and skills-utilisation in the graduate labour market: Evidence from two South African universities - Michael Rogan
- 7 Aspirations and horizons for action: Student choice of profession in South Africa - Michael Cosser
- 8 Assessing the usability of the Western Cape Graduate Destination Survey for the analysis of labour market outcomes - Nicola Branson and Murray Leibbrandt
- Part 3: Tvet Colleges, Workplace Programmes And Skills
- 9 Tracing the pathways of National Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) programme graduates through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and beyond - Joy Papier, Lesley Powell, Timothy McBride and Seamus Needham
- 10 Continued learning and employment: Destinations of TVET engineering graduates in the North West Province - Thabo Mashongoane
- 11 Workplace-based learning programmes and the transition to the labour market - Angelique Wildschut and Glenda Kruss
- 12 Education and skills mismatch in the South African labour market - Erofili Grapsa, Bongiwe Mncwango and Michael Rogan
- 13 Reflections on post-school education and training: Access and outcomes - Michael Rogan

Michael Rogan is an associate professor in the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) within the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University, South Africa. He is also an honorary research fellow at the HSRC’s Education and Skills Development Research Programme and a research associate in the global research-policy-action network Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO).

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