Potter / Trent | Marseilles, Genoa & Pisa | Buch | 978-0-9666084-0-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 35 mm x 44 mm, Gewicht: 2860 g

Potter / Trent

Marseilles, Genoa & Pisa

A Beatrix Potter Photograph Album: Representing a Pictorial Biography

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 35 mm x 44 mm, Gewicht: 2860 g

ISBN: 978-0-9666084-0-3
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

Introduction by Ivy Trent. This facsimile edition reproduces photographs, mostly attributed to Potter's father, amateur photographer Rupert Potter, in an arrangement telling the story of her life. The photographs range from studio photographs of Beatrix Potter as a baby and toddler, to one taken in the year preceding her death. The original photographs were in a variety of media, ranging from albumin, bromide, and platinum prints, to the snapshot. They were captioned in pencil with identifications of some persons, of the locations and some of the dates in a hand similar in many respects to Beatrix Potter's, perhaps that of a relative. This facsimile will be a source of pleasure to Beatrix Potter's many admirers of all ages and a resource for all those interested in this fascinating artist and storyteller.
Potter / Trent Marseilles, Genoa & Pisa jetzt bestellen!


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