Poulsen / Galster / Nørby | Coalition Warfare | Buch | 978-1-4438-4841-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 199 Seiten

Poulsen / Galster / Nørby

Coalition Warfare

An Anthology of Scholarly Presentations at the Conference on Coalition Warfare at the Royal Danish Defence College, 2011
1. Auflage 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4438-4841-1
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

An Anthology of Scholarly Presentations at the Conference on Coalition Warfare at the Royal Danish Defence College, 2011

Buch, Englisch, 199 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-4841-1
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

It is unquestionable that the warfare of various post-Cold War ‘coalitions-of-the-willing’ has drawn much attention over recent years. However, we may also notice that associations of nations fighting, or preparing to fight, for common causes are no novelty.

Multi-national co-operation in fields as costly and as fateful as war depends on considerations and caveats concerning political purpose, risks, mutual trust, national wealth and pride, compatibility of military forces and a glut of intangible forces and effects characterising human interaction. Thus, this anthology includes scholarly research papers describing coalition warfare both past and present from the perspective of commonalities and differences materialising across history.

Coalition warfare is a complicated matter and is as subject to frictions and surprises as any other kind of warfare, but it is a politico-military reality that remains of importance to not only historians, but also politicians and military commanders. This reality is what this anthology endeavours to scrutinise.

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Niels Bo Poulsen (born 1968) is Senior Advisor and Head of the Centre for Military History at the Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen. He received his MA in History and East European Studies in 1996 and his PhD on the Soviet Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in 2005 and is the author of a number of books and articles on Denmark during World War Two, the Waffen-SS and the war on the Eastern Front. His most recent book, Den store fædrelandskrig. Statsmagt og mennesker i Sovjetunionen 1939–1955 (The Great Patriotic War: Society and State in the Soviet Union 1939–1955), analyses the living conditions and the popular mood in the Soviet Union during and after World War II.

Kjeld Hald Galster (born 1952) was educated at the Royal Military College of Canada and the Universities of Copenhagen and Cambridge. An ex-military officer, he was commissioned into the Royal Life Guards in 1973. He is now an independent researcher and has published widely on military history from the 17th to the 21st centuries and contributed to a score of anthologies.

Søren Nørby (born 1976) is Lecturer of Military History at the Centre for Military History at the Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen. He graduated from Copenhagen University in 2004 with a Master’s degree in History and is the author of a number of books and articles on the Danish military (mainly with a focus on the Danish navy) during the Cold War and beyond. His most recent book, Åbent hav. Mit liv i søværnet 1945–1990 (Open Seas: My Life in the Navy 1945–1990) (co-written with Vice Admiral J. F. Bork), was published in 2012. He has also written a large number of articles about Danish military history from 1500 until 2012.

Niels Bo Poulsen (born 1968) is Senior Advisor and Head of the Centre for Military History at the Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen. He received his MA in History and East European Studies in 1996 and his PhD on the Soviet Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in 2005 and is the author of a number of books and articles on Denmark during World War Two, the Waffen-SS and the war on the Eastern Front. His most recent book, Den store fædrelandskrig. Statsmagt og mennesker i Sovjetunionen 1939–1955 (The Great Patriotic War: Society and State in the Soviet Union 1939–1955), analyses the living conditions and the popular mood in the Soviet Union during and after World War II.

Kjeld Hald Galster (born 1952) was educated at the Royal Military College of Canada and the Universities of Copenhagen and Cambridge. An ex-military officer, he was commissioned into the Royal Life Guards in 1973. He is now an independent researcher and has published widely on military history from the 17th to the 21st centuries and contributed to a score of anthologies.

Søren Nørby (born 1976) is Lecturer of Military History at the Centre for Military History at the Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen. He graduated from Copenhagen University in 2004 with a Master’s degree in History and is the author of a number of books and articles on the Danish military (mainly with a focus on the Danish navy) during the Cold War and beyond. His most recent book, Åbent hav. Mit liv i søværnet 1945–1990 (Open Seas: My Life in the Navy 1945–1990) (co-written with Vice Admiral J. F. Bork), was published in 2012. He has also written a large number of articles about Danish military history from 1500 until 2012.

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