Powell | Returning to Study | Buch | 978-0-335-23257-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch


Returning to Study

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23257-4
Verlag: Open University Press

Are you: - thinking about returning to college or university? - wondering how to reconcile the demands of career and study? - looking for ways to sharpen up your study skills and make the most of your course of study?If so, then look no further.This sympathetic book has been written specifically for professional people returning to study. Returning to study as an adult learner may seem a daunting and intimidating experience but as Stuart Powell shows, this need not be the case. With an emphasis on enabling students to make the most of the courses in which they participate, the book provides practical guidance and strategies to increase confidence, enhance skills and develop critical awareness and creativity. The book draws upon the experiences of students in a wide range of disciplines from social work to engineering to provide essential support for any professional person studying in higher education.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Thinking and learning
Working and communicating with others
Effective reading and listening
Planning to write
Effective writing
Writing a dissertation or report

Professor Stuart Powell trained as a teacher and worked in schools as a class teacher and head teacher before returning to study as a mature student. Since moving into higher education, he has taught students returning to study at University level in a number of disciplines and has researched aspects of critical thinking and ways of learning.

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