Buch, Englisch, 1340 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-290-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Computerkommunikation & -vernetzung
- Technische Wissenschaften Energietechnik | Elektrotechnik Elektrotechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Signalverarbeitung, Bildverarbeitung, Scanning
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Bildsignalverarbeitung
- Technische Wissenschaften Energietechnik | Elektrotechnik Energietechnik & Elektrotechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Verkehrstechnik | Transportgewerbe Verkehrstechnologie: Allgemeines
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Werkstoffkunde, Materialwissenschaft: Forschungsmethoden
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Regelungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter 1: Transportation & Service Science
3D Novel Face Model Based on Surface Stitching
A Class of Optimizations and Energy-Saving Application
A Discussion of the Design Method of Full Adder Circuit
A False Negative Maximal Frequent Itemsets Mining Algorithm over Stream
A Fault Diagnosis Approach of Steer-by-Wire System
A Fit Degree Based Two-Step Lookahead Algorithm for Solving the Container Loading Problem
A High-Efficient Data Model of Road Network in Vehicle Navigation System
A High-Speed Railway Data Placement Strategy Based on Cloud Computing
A Image Segmentation Method of Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for the Manipulator Self-Recognition Target
A Method of Designing CMS Guide Plan under Accident Impact in Province Expressway Net
A Modified Incremental Support Vector Machine for Regression
A Multi-Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Multi-Camera
A New Approximate Joint Diagonalization Algorithm Based on the Fused Complex-Valued Cost Function
A New Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Algorithm
A New Mechanism of Database Encryption
A New Method for Residual Liquid Inspection
A New Nonlinear Filter Method for Ballistic Target Tracking
A Novel Efficient Classification Algorithm Based on Class Association Rules
A Personalized Collaborative Learning Model Base on ACO Clustering
Chapter 2: Network & Control
A Probabilistic Cache Sharing Mechanism for Chip Multiprocessors
A Rapid Method for Image Compression Based on Wavelet Transform and SOFM Neural Network
A Regularization Method for Downward Continuation of Potential Fields
A Reverse Driving Control Method for Hydrostatic Mobile Machinery
A Study of Regional Comparison on Productive Efficiency of Logistics Service Industry in China
A Time-Programmable Soft-Start Circuit with Hiccup Control
A Traffic Control Mechanism Based on Fuzzy Logic
A Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based on Reconstruction of Context by Correlation
Accumulate-Repeat-Delay-Partial-Delay Codes
Adaptive Decoding for Turbo Codes over CDMA2000 Mobile System
Adaptive Objective Coordinate Optimization Method with Unknown Parameter
An Algorithm Research of Terminal Key Generation for Mobile Payment
An All CMOS Current Reference
An Approach to Reliability Evaluation of Web Services Composition Based on BPEL
An Energy-Efficient Data Gathering Method for Sensor Networks with Mixed Communication Modes
An FFT-Based Approach for Carrier Frequency Domain Acquisition in Spread Spectrum TT&C System
An ID-Based Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme
An Identification Management Framework for IT-Enabled Services and E-Government: A Consideration of the Case of Japan
An Image Scrambling Method Based on Chaotic Sequence and Space-Bit-Plane Operation
An Improved K-Means Based Method for Fingerprint Segmentation with Sensor Interoperability
An Improved PAM Clustering Algorithm Based on Initial Clustering Centers
Chapter 3: Advanced Intelligence & Manufacturing
An Numeric Method on the Third Order Term of KDV Equation
Analysis and Design of a Wearable Robot for Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Training
Analysis of Control Strategy for Extended-Range Electric Vehicle
Analysis of Factors on Nan Pu Oilfield’s Weak Gel Flooding
Analysis of Game Theory on the Price of Supply Chain Based on Bertrand Model
Analysis of M2M Industry Value Chain
Analysis of One Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme
Analysis of Two ID-Based Key Exchange Protocols
Application Design for Oilfield Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Wireless Network Technology
Application Framework of Manufacturing Enterprise Information System Based.NET Smart Client
Application of Advanced Process Control in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler
Application of Fuzzy Neural Network in Ship Course Control
Attacks on Self-Certified Multi-Proxy Signature Schemes with Message Recovery
Automated Generation of Web Service Test Case
Behavior Modeling Method of CGF in TBM Combat Simulation
Blind Separation of Coherent Signals Based on Toeplitz Matrix Reconstruction
Blind Source Separation Method Based on Pseudo-Random Code
Camouflage Target Identification Based on Hyperspectral Imaging System
Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor Using SAW Device Based on ZnO Film
Characteristics of Yichun Late Triassic - Early Jurassic Monzogranite
Current Situation Analysis and Strategy Research of Environmental Protection Equipment Industry in China
Depositional Patterns of Dominant Sedimentary Time Units’ Reservoir in Daqing Oilfield
Design and Implementation of Full-Text Retrieval System for People’s Daily Annotated Corpus
Design and Implementation of VSP Seismic Data Acquisition System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology
Design and Optimization of Microwave Frequency Synthesizer Based on DDS
Chapter 4: Image Processing & Modeling of Materials
Design and Realization of Multi-Stage Traffic Signal Controller of Variable Phase
Design of Embedded Bio-Impedance Analyzer Based on Digital Auto Balancing Bridge Method
Design of Gas Leakage Monitoring System Based on CAN Bus
Design of PCR Primers for the mcrA Genes Detection of Methanogen Communities
Design of Service Supervision and Subsidies Evaluation System for Urban Public Transport
Design Process Control and Knowledge Service of Complex Product
Development and Application of Asphalt Pavement Construction Quality Control System
Development and Application of CHANSIGNAL Signal Timing Software System
Direct Torque Control System for Belt Conveyor Based on Improved Genetic Algorithms
Directional Human Fall Recognition Using a Pair of Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensors
Distributed H8 Control for Leader-Following Coordination with Switching Topology
Distributed Coverage-Hole Repair Algorithm towards Nodes Failure in Wireless Sensor Networks
Dynamic Optimization for Multi-Phase Intersection Timing Using Stratified Genetic Algorithm
Dynamic, Customized Workflow Using BDI Agent and Semantic Web Service
Effect for Micro-Transformer Using Different Substrate Materials
Effect of Hydrogen Yield by Thermophilic Anaerobic Fermentation from Mixed Organic Wastes
Chapter 5: Information Technology
Effects of the Technical Communication on the Life Cycle of the Products
Degree-Based Sampling Method with Partition-Based Subgraph Finder for Larger Motif Detection
Electric Heating Power Optimization of Natural Gas Pipeline
Ensemble Pruning for Data Dependant Learners
Experimental Study of the Asphalt Concrete Entrucking Based on Machine Vision
Exploration Based on ZigBee Traffic Signals Area Control System
Fatigue Lifetime Design of Pantograph V500 Based on Reliability
Fault Diagnosis of Conveyance Machine Based on Fuzzy Support Vector
Fundamental Tribology Knowledge Serve Modeling and Knowledge Resource Units Construction
Han Ning Highway Traffic Accident Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Health Care Service Designs with ICT
Heuristics for Domain-Independent Planning: A Survey
Imprecise Ontology Merging Framework Design
Improved Genetic Algorithm of Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Window for Military Logistic Distribution
Improved Method of Medical Image Reconstruction Based on MC Algorithm
Low-Contrast Blurry Image Enhancement Based on Human Visual Property and Generalized Fuzzy Operator
Mining Functional Modules in Uncertain Protein-Protein Interaction Network
Mining Maximal Dense Subgraphs in Uncertain PPI Network
Mobile Senor Registration Algorithm Based on Exact Method
Modeling and Analysis of Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing Systems with Markov Approach
MRCluster: Mining Constant Row Bicluster in Gene Expression Data
Chapter 6: Energy & Electronic
Multiresolution Non-Local Mean Filter for Infrared Dim and Small Target Background Suppression
Narrow-Band Interference Suppression in Transform Domain in Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
Optimal Estimation for Multiple Packet Dropouts Systems with Colored Measurement Noise
Optimal Guidance Law Design for Interception of Ballistic Missiles during the Boost Phase
Optimization of Adaptive Co-Ordination Based on Interaction Prediction Approach
Parameter Identification and Harmonic Analysis for EV Induction Motor Drive Systems
Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on ACA-GA
Performance Comparison of Neighborhood Based Broadcasting Methods in MANETs
Pervasive Computing Architecture, Key Technologies and Issues Facing
Precision Servo Tracking System Structure Method and Accuracy
Product Diffusion Model Associated with Dynamic Market Environment the Case of Mini Passenger Vehicle in China
QoS-Based Data Aggregation Technology in Wireless Sensor Networks
Reduction Rules of Graphical Representation in a Workflow Process Model
Region Connecting Based Pavement Image Cracks Extraction
Reliability Analysis of Factors Affecting Gas Pipeline Operational Condition
Research of a Driving Equipment for Aero-Engine Rotor Based on FPGA
Research of Adaptive Extracting Algorithm Facing Blade Crack Image
Research of Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Essential Algorithms
Research of Cleaning and Quality Control of Data in Investment Research System of Fund Management Company
Research of Curve-Fitting on RIA Dosage Reaction
Research of Information Retrieval Based on Web Semantic Similarity
Research of the Cloud Computing Applications in Smart Mobile Phone
Research on Conversion from UML Activity Diagram to Procedure Blueprint
Research on Key Techniques of Games Based on Symbian Platform
Research on License Plate Tracking and Detection Based on Optical Flow
Research on MANET Routing Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Algorithm
Research on MATLAB Programming Efficiency
Research on Power Adaptive Control Method for Hydraulic Motor Grader Based on Simulink/AMESim
Research on Railway Wagon-Loading Yard Arrangement Planning
Research on Restful Web Services in Java
Research on Signal of Branch Junction Based on Adaptive Fuzzy-PID Control
Research on the Bounding-Inbox Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on RSSI
Research on the Doppler Shift Mitigation Scheme for OFDM Underwater Acoustic Communication
Research on the Method of Non-Uniformity Control in Asphalt Pavement Construction with PQI
Research on the Performance of Network Virtualization Based on Xen
Research on the Semantic of Computer Programming Problem Based on Ontology
Research on Uplink Channel Estimation Method in TD-LTE System
Research on Vehicle Fuel Consumption Measuring System Based on Radio Frequency Communication Technology
Research on Virtual Assembly Platform Realization Technology of Vehicle Transmission System
Research Progress of Personalized Content Management System
Risk Evaluation Study on Communication Network Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Scene Retrieval Approach Based Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Selective Harmonics Elimination for PWM Inverters Using the PSO Optimization Technique
Semi-Physical Simulation System for FMCW Radar
Service Development Research for ICT Companies Based on Service Science Analysis
Chapter 7: Mechanical & Automation
Simulation and Experimental Research on Crosstalk of Multiconductor Cable’s Core Lines
Single-Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization and Wireless Applications
Space-Time Coding Technique Based on Four-Antenna Transceiver System
Stacked Spiral Inductor Design and Modeling for Fully-Integrated DC-DC Converters
Streetlight Monitoring System for Energy Saving Based on GSM Network
Structure Health Monitoring Using Support Vector Data Description and Wavelet Packet Energy Distributions
Study of Expressway Lane Departure Warning and Navigation System under Different Visibility Conditions
Study on an Integrated Development Environment for PAC with Complete Intellectual Property
Study on Construction Machinery Speed Measurement Based on Road Surface Texture Image
Study on Design and Experiment of SAW Device Based on MSC
Study on Discreted Fifth-Order CNN Hyper-Chaos Synchronization Reduced Order Observer
Study on Double-Drum Roller Maximum Braking Deceleration
Study on Urban Intersection Traffic Flow Forecasting and Traffic Signal Control
Supply Chain Flexible Production Capacity Value Analysis -Based on the View of Real Options
Target Recognition Using Infrared Polarization Imaging System
The Adaptive Ship Motion Control Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
The Analysis and Simulation of PSM Single-Module Based on Simplorer
The Application of EMD and Genetic Neural Network Algorithm to the Dynamic Weighing System for Loader
The Construction of Marketing-Distribution Integrated System
The Control System Model of Gantry Crane for Preventing Swing
The Critical Success Factors and Orientation Enhancing of High-Tech Enterprises Consultation
The Design of High Voltage DC Power Supply of 4.6GHZ/500MW LHCD
The Design of Ship Course Intelligent Controller Based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Interference System
The Design of Smart Home Security Alarm Monitoring Based on Jess
The Dynamics of VaRs with Skew t Distribution for A300 Index in China
The Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Corn Straw and Coal Gangue
The Identified Method of Accident-Prone Section Based on Principal Component-Gray Clustering Analysis
The Method Study of the Virtual Roaming Based on 3ds Max and Virtools
The Research and Application of Web Service Bridge Technology in Remote Web Service Invocation Based on ASP.NET AJAX
The Research and Development of an Exam-Integrating System Based on.NET-Test Library
The Research of SSL VPN Authentication Methods Based on C + +
The Research on Railway Luggage & Package Shipping Plan Based on Service Network
The Research on Test Automation Based on the Window Application Software
The System of the Route Back to Show Based on G/S Model
Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy Support Vector Machines
Variable Pitch Controller Design Based Swarm Particle Optimizing Clonal Algorithm for Wind Power Generation System
VPN Security Technology Theory Modeling and Simulation
Chapter 8: Other Applications
Weigh-in-Motion Data Fitting Based on Least-Squares Method
Wireless Temperature Measurement and Alarm Device Based on Single Bus Digital Temperature Sensor
A Fast Reactivation Scheme in Power Gating Design
A Network Coding Based Rate Adaptive Protocol for Wireless Mesh Network
A Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation Method Based on Motion Detection
A Text Clustering Algorithms Based on Hidden Markov Model
An Event-Driven SOA Based Service Integration Framework for Provision of Active Services
Analysis on Optimizing of Antenna Feeding Network
Efficient and Secure Two-Way Asynchronous Quantum Secure Direct Communication Protocol by Using Entangled States
Motion Control Analysis of the Fruit-Trees Robot
Research of Protection Methods on Information Leakage from Gap
Research on Computer Radiation Security
Transportation Chance Constrained Model with Fuzzy Parameters