Zeitschrift, Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich
Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for our readers to explore the theoretical, technical, and strategic elements of health care quality management. The journal's primary focus is on organizational structure and processes as these affect the quality of care and patient outcomes. In particular, it:
• Builds knowledge about the application of statistical tools, control charts, benchmarking, and other devices used in the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of care and of patient outcomes;
• Encourages research in and evaluation of the results of various organizational strategies designed to bring about quantifiable improvements in patient outcomes;
• Fosters the application of quality management science to patient care processes and clinical decision-making;
• Fosters cooperation and communication among health care providers, payers and regulators in their efforts to improve the quality of patient outcomes;
• Explores links among the various clinical, technical, administrative, and managerial disciplines involved in patient care, as well as the role and responsibilities of organizational governance in ongoing quality management.