Razon / Sachs | Applied Exercise Psychology | Buch | 978-0-415-70272-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 470 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 975 g

Razon / Sachs

Applied Exercise Psychology

The Challenging Journey from Motivation to Adherence

Buch, Englisch, 470 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 975 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-70272-0
Verlag: CRC Press

Applied Exercise Psychology emphasizes the application of evidence-based knowledge drawn from the fields of exercise psychology, health psychology, clinical and counseling psychology, and exercise physiology for physical activity behavior change. The book provides readers with:

- theoretical bases for understanding and promoting physical activity behavior;

- interventions to use for facilitating physical activity behavior change and the tools for measuring the effectiveness of these interventions;

- cross-cultural considerations for practitioners to ensure multicultural competency;

- considerations to guide best practices with special populations (e.g., persons with medical conditions and persons with mental health conditions);

- overall applied implications and future directions.

The collection builds a bridge between up-to-date research findings, relevant field experiences, and applied implications. This is the first book to cover such breadth of topics in applied exercise psychology, with chapters bringing often overlooked issues to the attention of practitioners to promote not only evidence-based practice but also responsible ethics and referral.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction and Book Objectives Selen Razon 2. The Sedentariness Epidemic - Demographic Considerations Claudio R. Nigg and Brook Harmon 3. A Rose by any Other Name… Jennifer B. Ciaccio and Michael L. Sachs 4. It’s All Psychophysiological! – Effects of Exercise on your Body and Psyche Heather E. Webb and Edmund O. Acevedo 5. Theories and Models of Behavior Change Applied to Exercise: Research and Practice Robert Weinberg 6. Alternative Models of Health Behavior Change Jeff Cherubini and Mark H. Anshel 7. Exercise and Well-Being Mikihiro Sato 8. Psychological Skills Training for Adopting and Adhering to Exercise Lauren S. Tashman, Duncan Simpson, J. Gualberto Cremades 9. Use of Sensory Modalities Selen Razon, Jasmin Hutchinson, and Itay Basevitch 10. Advanced Technological Trends in Exercise Psychology Edson Filho and Gershon Tenenbaum 11. Exergaming Edson Filho, Selenia Di Fronso, Claudio Robazza, and Maurizio Bertollo 12. Measuring Interventions’ Effects – Assessment of Perceived Barriers, Enjoyment and Adherence of Physical Activity Claudio R. Nigg and Zoe Durand 13. The Physical Environment and Public Policy Rebecca Lee, Scherezade Mama, Heather Leach, Erica Soltero, and Nathan Parke 14. Cross-Cultural Considerations in Exercise Promotion: A Cultural Sport Psychology Perspective Kerry R. McGannon and Robert J. Schinke 15. Gender: Important Terms and Concepts Emily A. Roper 16. Swimming Upstream: Addressing Barriers to Exercise and Physical Activity in Women of Color Leeja Carter, Kisha Grady, and Jardana Silburn 17. Socioeconomic Status Amanda M. Perkins 18. Playing the Field: Experiences with Sexual Orientation and Gender in Sport and Physical Activity Leslee A. Fisher, Allison Daniel Anders, and James M. DeVita 19. Persons with Disabilities Stephanie J. Hanrahan 20. Applied Exercise Psychology: Children and Adolescents Lindsey C. Blom, Amanda J. Visek, and Brandonn S. Harris 21. Exercise and Aging David Pargman and Urska Dobersek 22. Communication Style Kate L. Nolt 23. Exercise in Obesity from the Perspective of Hedonic Theory: A Call for Sweeping Change in Professional Practice Norms Panteleimon Ekkekakis, Zack Zenko, and Kira M. Werstein 24. Solvitur Ambulando: Exercise and Mental Health Conditions Kate F. Hays 25. Exercise Addiction Michael L. Sachs 26. Persons with Exercise Injuries Monna Arvinen-Barrow and Damien Clement 27. Social Physique Anxiety and Muscle Dysmorphia Urska Dobersek and Robert C. Eklund 28. Eating Disorders and Exercise Christine L. B. Selby 29. Mindfulness Amy Baltzell and Trevor Cote 30. Positive Psychology Gloria H.M. Park and Ashley Anderson Corn 31. Persons with Medical Conditions Kate L. Nolt 32. Professional and Ethical Issues in Applied Exercise Psychology Vanessa R. Shannon and Sam Zizzi

Selen Razon is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, College of Health Sciences, West Chester University.

Michael L. Sachs is a professor in the Department of Kinesiology, College of Public Health, Temple University.

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