Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning | Buch | 978-0-8389-1501-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 160 Seiten, Paperback

Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning

Instructional Literacy for Library Educators

Buch, Englisch, 160 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-0-8389-1501-1
Verlag: American Library Association

Whether or not "instruction" appears in their job titles, librarians are often in the position of educating their users, colleagues, and peers to successfully locate and evaluate information. Booth's practical approach to developing personal instructional literacy, a method that empowers library professionals at any level of experience to become better and more confident educators, made the first edition of this text a runaway bestseller. Updated to expand its focus to more fully include program coordinators and library administrators, the new second edition cements its status as a peerless resource for day-to-day use as well as LIS courses. Laying the foundation for effective teaching, Booth outlines a framework that includes - tools for improving learning in the moment and developing a teacher identity through self-assessment;
- evidence-based strategies in learning and instructional research;
- methods for evaluating and integrating technology in learning using a practical toolkit approach;
- a systematic and outcomes-based process for developing and assessing learning experiences;
- new material on strategy and scaffolding, with discussions of collaboration, institutional partnerships, working with faculty, and program development through curriculum mapping; and thoughts on leadership, management, and career development.

Providing templates for instructional planning and technology evaluation, as well as practical advice drawn from those working in the field, Booth's work helps librarians become better learners and teachers.
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Char Booth is E-Learning Librarian at the University of California, Berkeley. A 2007 ALA Emerging Leader and 2008 Library Journal Mover and Shaker, Char blogs about library futures, instructional design, and technology literacy at info-mational, and tweets @charbooth. Her books include Informing Innovation: Tracking Student Interest in Emerging Library Technologies at Ohio University and Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning; Instructional Literacy for Library Educators. Char completed an ME in educational technology at Ohio University in 2008, an MSIS at the University of Texas at Austin's School of Information in 2005, and a BA in history at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, in 2001.

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