Rejuvenating Communism | Buch | 978-0-472-05557-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: China Understandings Today

Rejuvenating Communism

Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: China Understandings Today

ISBN: 978-0-472-05557-9
Verlag: University of Michigan Press

Working for the administration remains one of the most coveted career paths for young Chinese. Rejuvenating Communism: Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China seeks to understand what motivates young and educated Chinese to commit to a long-term career in the party-state and how this question is central to the Chinese regime’s ability to maintain its cohesion and survive. JÉrÔme Doyon draws upon extensive fieldwork and statistical analysis in order to illuminate the undogmatic commitment recruitment techniques and other methods the state has taken to develop a diffuse allegiance to the party-state in the post-Mao era. He then analyzes recruitment and political professionalization in the Communist Party’s youth organizations and shows how experiences in the Chinese Communist Youth League transform recruits and feed their political commitment as they are gradually inducted into the world of officials. As the first in-depth study of the Communist Youth League’s role in recruitment, this book challenges the assumption that merit is the main criteria for advancement within the party-state, an argument with deep implications for understanding Chinese politics today.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: Introduction
-     Overview of the Argument
-     Political Youth Organizations in Contemporary China
-     Seeing like a Young Cadre
- Chapter 2: Becoming a Student Cadre
-     Student cadres at the center of the student-management apparatus
-     Commitment is rewarded
- Chapter 3: Student Leaders as a Rogue Minority
-     Student leaders’ narrowing social circles
-     Cultivating their Party Spirit
-     The “bureaucratization” of student cadres
- Chapter 4: Sponsorship Networks in Elite Universities
-     Clientelism at Peking University
- Chains of sponsorship ties in elite universities    
- An elite within the elite: the political career of student leaders from Peking University and Tsinghua University
- Chapter 5: Starting a Political Career on Campus
- The Counselor System    
- Counselors as officials in training
- Starting a political career outside the university
- Chapter 6: Youth League Officials as Future Party-state Leaders
- The perfect reserve cadres    
- Cultivating a role as leaders-to-be
- Chapter 7: Towards a Diffuse Allegiance to the Party-State
- Each posting entails diverse personal ties
- Turnover and the multiplication of personal networks
- Conclusion: Commitment and Allegiance
- Appendix
- Bibliography

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