Ritter | Inventing America's First Immigration Crisis | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Web PDF, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Catholic Practice in North America

Ritter Inventing America's First Immigration Crisis

Political Nativism in the Antebellum West

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Web PDF, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Catholic Practice in North America

ISBN: 978-0-8232-8987-5
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Why have Americans expressed concern about immigration at some times but not at others? In pursuit of an answer, this book examines America’s first nativist movement, which responded to the rapid influx of 4.2 million immigrants between 1840 and 1860 and culminated in the dramatic rise of the National American Party. As previous studies have focused on the coasts, historians have not yet completely explained why westerners joined the ranks of the National American, or “Know Nothing,” Party or why the nation’s bloodiest anti-immigrant riots erupted in western cities—namely Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis. In focusing on the antebellum West, Inventing America’s First Immigration Crisis illuminates the cultural, economic, and political issues that originally motivated American nativism and explains how it ultimately shaped the political relationship between church and state.

In six detailed chapters, Ritter explains how unprecedented immigration from Europe and rapid westward expansion re-ignited fears of Catholicism as a corrosive force. He presents new research on the inner sanctums of the secretive Order of Know-Nothings and provides original data on immigration, crime, and poverty in the urban West. Ritter argues that the country’s first bout of political nativism actually renewed Americans’ commitment to church–state separation. Native-born Americans compelled Catholics and immigrants, who might have otherwise shared an affinity for monarchism, to accept American-style democracy. Catholics and immigrants forced Americans to adopt a more inclusive definition of religious freedom.

This study offers valuable insight into the history of nativism in U.S. politics and sheds light on present-day concerns about immigration, particularly the role of anti-Islamic appeals in recent elections.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction 1

Chapter 1
The Valley of Decision 9

Chapter 2
Culture War 31

Chapter 3
The Power of Nativist Rhetoric 60

Chapter 4
The Order of Know-Nothings and Secret Democracy 82

Chapter 5
Crime, Poverty, and the Economic Origins of Political Nativism 105

Chapter 6
From Anti-Catholicism to Church-State Separation 148

The Specter of Anti-Catholicism, New Nativism, and the
Ascendancy of Religious Freedom 174

Notes 185

Index 251

Ritter, Luke
Luke Ritter is an assistant professor at New Mexico Highlands University. He received his Ph.D. in American history from Saint Louis University. He specializes in the history of immigration, nativism, and religion in the mid-nineteenth-century United States. Ritter received the William E. Foley Research Fellowship in 2019, the Environment in Missouri History Fellowship in 2016, and the Filson Fellowship in 2013. He is the author of numerous articles published in the Journal of American Ethnic History, American Nineteenth Century History, the Journal of Early American History, and the Missouri Historical Review.

Ritter Luke :
Luke Ritter, Assistant Professor at New Mexico Highlands University, received his Ph.D. in American history from Saint Louis University. He specializes in the history of immigration, nativism, and religion in the mid-nineteenth-century United States. Ritter received the William E. Foley Research Fellowship in 2019, the Environment in Missouri History Fellowship in 2016, and the Filson Fellowship in 2013. He is the author of numerous articles published in the Journal of American Ethnic History, American Nineteenth Century History, the Journal of Early American History, and the Missouri Historical Review.Luke Ritter, Assistant Professor at New Mexico Highlands University, received his Ph.D. in American history from Saint Louis University. He specializes in the history of immigration, nativism, and religion in the mid-nineteenth-century United States. Ritter received the William E. Foley Research Fellowship in 2019, the Environment in Missouri History Fellowship in 2016, and the Filson Fellowship in 2013. He is the author of numerous articles published in the Journal of American Ethnic History, American Nineteenth Century History, the Journal of Early American History, and the Missouri Historical Review.

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