Rix | Marketing: A Practical Approach | Buch | 978-0-07-471751-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 83 mm x 102 mm, Gewicht: 3 g


Marketing: A Practical Approach

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 83 mm x 102 mm, Gewicht: 3 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-471751-6
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

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Weitere Infos & Material

Marketing: A Practical Approach Part 1: Modern Marketing Ch 1, The Field of Marketing Ch 2, The Marketing Environment Ch 3, Gathering Marketing Information Part 2: Understanding Markets Ch 4, Marketing Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Ch 5, Understanding the Consumer Market Ch 6, Understanding the Business Market Part 3: The Marketing Mix Ch 7, Product Planning and Development Ch 8, Product Management Strategies Ch 9, Services Marketing Strategies Ch 10, Pricing Strategies Ch 11, Distribution Strategies Ch 12, The Promotional Program Part 4: Marketing Management Ch 13, Strategic Planning Ch 14, Marketing Metrics Appendix: Marketing in Focus Appendix: International Marketing

Rix, Peter
Peter Rix brings extensive practical marketing experience to his teaching and writing. He has held senior marketing and management positions in Australia and South East Asia, and has developed marketing strategies for national and international brands such as Edgell-Birds Eye, Penfolds, Chivas Regal, CSR and Windsor Farm.In recent years he has focused on the application of marketing principles to small-to-medium sized organisations. Many large organisations seem to have lost the capacity to really listen to their customers, whereas DMEs are often customer-focused both by nature and necessity, he says. It is often then simply a matter of developing systems that help these firms to adopt a strategic approach to marketing. In my own business, and when consulting to other organisations, keeping it simple and practical are the main goals.As a practical application of his writing and teaching, Peter Rix provides consulting and training services to a diverse range of clients. He also co-owns and operates businesses in the childcare and experiential learning industries. In addition to Marketing: A Practical Approach, he is also co-author of Selling: A Consultative Approach, published by McGraw-Hill Australia.

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