Romeo | Integrative Phytochemistry: from Ethnobotany to Molecular Ecology | Buch | 978-0-08-044277-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 340 Seiten


Integrative Phytochemistry: from Ethnobotany to Molecular Ecology

Recent Advances in Phytochemistry

Buch, Englisch, 340 Seiten

ISBN: 978-0-08-044277-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

This monograph series is commissioned by the Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA). The volumes in this series contain articles on developing topics of interest to scientists, students and individuals interested in recent developments in the biochemistry, chemistry and molecular biology of plants. Volume 37 concentrates on the integration of techniques to solve complex phytochemistry problems.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The enzymatic basis of flavonoid biodiversity. Structural, functional, and evolutionary basis for methylation of plant small molecules. Regulation of anthocyanin pigmentation. Localization of plant myrosinases and glucosinolates. Glucosinolate hydrolysis and its impact on generalist and specialist insect herbivores. A novel myrosinase-glucosinolate defense system in cruciferous specialist aphids. Multiple levels of control in the regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis. Biochemistry and molecular biology of indole alkaloid biosynthesis: the implication of recent discoveries. Chemical ecology of alkaloids exemplified with the pyrrolizidines. The chemical wizardry of isoprenoid metabolism in plants. The sabath family of MTS In arabidopsis thaliana and other plant species. Xochipilli updated, terpenes from mexican plants.

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