Dr. Angelo Pio Rossi is a planetary scientist who received his doctoral degree at the Unviersity of D’Annunczio, Pescara, in 2004. He was appointed as Professor of Earth and Planetary Science at the Department of Physics & Earth Sciences at Jacobs University Bremen where he researches and teaches topics of Earth and planetary sciences. His main research interests are in planetary geology, remote sensing, terrestrial analogue studies, and impact cratering. He has been involved with ESA and NASA Mars missions. He has been publishing papers on topics of planetary geology and geomorphology and is a member of the editorial board of Planetary & Space Science and co-editor of the Springer/ISSI Space Sciences Series volume 59 onDust Devils.Dr. Stephan van Gasselt received his doctoral degree on topics of Martian geomorphology at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany in 2007 and was appointed at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, where he teaches and researches on topics of Earth and planetary sciences with a focus on geology and geomorphology, He has been involved as Co-Investigator in a number of ESA missions. He is executive editor for the Elsevier journal GeoResJ.The authors’ backgrounds span over a broad range of topics and disciplines: rooted in Earth geoscience, their expertise covers remote sensing and cartography, field mapping, impact cratering, volcanology and tectonics, sedimentology and stratigraphy exobiology and life in extreme environments, planetary resources and mining. Several generations of planetary scientists arecooperating, to provide a modern view on a discipline developed from Earth during and through Space exploration.