Rossman | Learning in the Field | Buch | 978-0-7619-2651-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 392 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm


Learning in the Field

An Introduction to Qualitative Research
Second Edition
ISBN: 978-0-7619-2651-1
Verlag: SAGE Publications

An Introduction to Qualitative Research

Buch, Englisch, 392 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-7619-2651-1
Verlag: SAGE Publications

The popular text that helped readers better understand and practice qualitative research has been completely updated and revised while retaining the features that made the first edition so useful. New to this edition: - Chapter 3 on the ethics and politics of qualitative research - Chapter 4 on choosing the locus of interest among the major qualitative research approaches - Chapter 10 expanded to provide detailed instructions for organizing, coding, interpreting, and analyzing data - Concept boxes highlight major themes and issues and summarize important principles - End-of-chapter study questions and activities To help readers better visualize and grasp the concepts, issues and complexities of qualitative inquiry, the authors introduce each chapter with discussions among three `characters' - students whose research projects demonstrate the challenges and excitement of qualitative research. Woven into the chapters and the characters' stories are three themes that make up the tapestry of qualitative research: First, research is a learning process. Second, research can and should be useful. Finally, a researcher needs to have a clear vision of the audience and purpose of a study.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface to the Second Edition
List of Figures and Tables
Chapter 1 - Qualitative Research as Learning
Defining Qualitative Research
Common Characteristics
Typical Purposes and Overall Approaches
Doing Qualitative Research: Tales of Three Characters
Ways of Using Research
Instrumental Use
Enlightenment Use
Symbolic Use
Empancipatory Use
Principles of Good Practice
Overview of the Book
Activities for Your Community of Practice
Further Reading
Chapter 2 - The Researcher as Learner
What is Learning?
The Reflexivity of Qualitative Research
Subjectivity and Objectivity
Status Quo Versus Radical Change
Four Paradigms
Perspective in Practice
The Self at Work: Reflexivity
Establishing Perspective
Using the Principles of Good Practice
Activities for Your Community of Practice
Further Reading
Chapter 3 - The Researcher as Competent and Ethical
Standards for Practice
What is the Truth Value of This Work?
How Rigorously Was the Study Conducted?
How Useful is the Study for Other Situations?
Strategies for Ensuring Credibility and Rigor
Our Characters' Strategies
Theories of Ethics
The Ethic of Consequences
The Ethic of Rights and Responsibilities
The Ethic of Social Justice
The Ethic of Care
Ethical Issues
Privacy and Confidentiality
Deception and Consent
Trust and Betrayal
Thinking Through Ethical Dilemmas
Setting the Research Agenda
Approving the "Right" Methodology
Coping With Micro-politics
Our Characters' Issues
Internal Review Boards
Using the Principles of Good Practice
Further Reading
Chapter 4 - Major Qualitative Research Genres
Choosing the Locus of Interest: Major Qualitative Research Genres
Critical and Postmodern Assumptions
Phenomenological Studies
Socio-Communication Studies
Case Studies
Using the Principles of Good Practice
Activities for Your Community of Practice
Further Reading
Chapter 5 - Planning the Research
Practical Considerations
What is a Research Proposal?
Conceptual Framework
Use of the Literature
The Topic
Statement of the Research Problem or Issue
Design and Methodology
Overall Genre and Rationale
Site or Population Selection and Sampling Strategies
Data Gathering Procedures
Data Management and Analysis Procedures
Using the Principles of Good Practice
Activities for Your Community of Practice
Further Reading
Chapter 6 - Entering the Field
Intended Involvement
Degree of Involvement
Portrayal of Iinvolvement
Approach and Negotiations
Introduction and Invitation
Written Permission
Expectations and Relationships
Organizational Gatekeepers
Using the Principles of Good Practice
Activities for Your Community of Practice
Further Reading
Chapter 7 - Gathering Data in the Field
Decisions About Gathering Data
Depth or Breadth
Prefigured or Open-ended
Ebb and Flow
Systematic Inquiry
Data About the Research
Data About the Process and Yourself
Generic In-depth Interviewing
Types of Interviews
Social Group Identities
Follow-up Questions
Specialized Forms of In-depth Interviewing
Ethnographic Interviewing
Phenomenological Interviewing
Socio-communications Interviews
Interviewing "Elites" or "Experts"
Focus Group Interviewing
Interviewing Children
Observing People, Actions, and Events
Taking Field Not

Rossman, Gretchen B.
undefinedundefinedundefined <p class="MsoNormal">Professional Interests:</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Qualitative research design and methods; ethics in research practice; education reform in developing countries</p>

Rossman, Gretchen B.
undefinedundefinedundefined <p class="MsoNormal">Professional Interests:</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Qualitative research design and methods; ethics in research practice; education reform in developing countries</p>

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