Rothenberg / Joris | Poems for the Millenium V 1 - The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry - From Fin-De& | Buch | 978-0-520-07227-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 839 Seiten, Trade Paperback, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1315 g

Rothenberg / Joris

Poems for the Millenium V 1 - The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry - From Fin-De&

1. Auflage 1995
ISBN: 978-0-520-07227-5
Verlag: University of California Press

Buch, Englisch, 839 Seiten, Trade Paperback, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1315 g

ISBN: 978-0-520-07227-5
Verlag: University of California Press

As we come to the end of the century, the entire vista of modern poetry has dramatically changed. Poems for the Millennium captures the essence of that change, and unlike any anthology available today, it reveals the revolutionary concepts at the very heart of twentieth-century poetry. International in its coverage, these volumes depart from the established poetic modes that grew out of the nineteenth century and instead bring together the movements that radically altered the ways that art and language express the human condition.

The first volume offers three "galleries" of individual poets—figures such as Mallarmé, Stein, Rilke, Tzara, Mayakovsky, Pound, H.D., Vallejo, Artaud, Césaire, and Tsvetayeva. Included, too, are sections dedicated to some of the most significant pre-World War II movements in poetry and the other arts: Futurism, Expressionism, Dada, Surrealism, Objectivism, and Negritude. The second volume will extend the gathering to the present, forming a synthesizing, global anthology that surpasses other collections in its international scope and experimental range.

Poet-editors Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris provide informative and irreverent commentaries throughout. They challenge old truths and propose alternative directions, in the tradition of the revolutionary manifestos that have marked the art and poetry of the twentieth century. The result is both an essential source book for experiencing the full range of this century's poetic possibilities and a powerful statement on the future of poetry in the millennium ahead.

Rothenberg / Joris Poems for the Millenium V 1 - The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry - From Fin-De& jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Thanks and Acknowledgments

Prologue to Forerunners
William Blake
"Obey thou the Words of the Inspired Man"
Friedrich Holderlin
In the Days of Socrates
Elias Lonnrot
from The Kaleva/a
Walt Whitman
This Compost
Charles Baudelaire
Fuses I & II
Emily Dickinson
Fascicle 34 Poem 9
Bald Mountain Zaum-Poems
Gerard Manley Hopkins
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort
of the Resurrection
Isidore Ducasse, Comte de Lautreamont
from Maldoror
Arthur Rimbaud
from A Season in Hell
After Bitahatini
from The Night Chant
Stephane Mallarme
from Le Livre

Stephane Mallarme
A Throw of the Dice Never Will Abolish Chance
C. P. Cavafy
Waiting for the Barbarians
Days of 1908
And I Lounged and Lay on their Beds
Adolf Wolfli
Nostalgic Song for My Beloved
from From the Cradle to the Graave, or, through
working and sweating, suffering and hardship, even
through prayyer into damnation
Match Factory at Chaami 1911
Ruben Darlo
Far Away and Long Ago
To Roosevelt
Paul Valery
Alfred Jarry
The Passion of Jesus Considered as an Uphill Race
Gertrude Stein
from Tender Buttons
A Valentine to Sherwood Anderson
from Lifting Belly
Rainer Maria Rilke
Tombs of the Hetaerae
The First Duino Elegy
Max Jacob
from The Cock and the Pearl
Andrey Bely
from The Dramatic Symphony
Guillaume Apollinaire
Horse Calligram
A Phantom of Clouds
from Poems for Lou
The Little Car
from Victoire
Pablo Picasso
A Bottle of Suze
Franz Kafka
Before the Law
Mina Loy
from Love Songs to ]oannes
Three Moments in Paris
Dino Campana
Fernando Pessoa
"The startling reality of things"
from Maritime Ode
from Oblique Rain
Ezra Pound
The Return
Canto One
Hagiwara Sakutaro
Spring Night
Lover of Love
So Terrifyingly Melancholy
Blaise Cendrars
The Great Fetishes
from The Prose of the Trans-Siberian
and of Little Jeanne of France
Marcel Duchamp
The 1914 Box
Giuseppe Ungaretti
Mattina/ Morning
The Rivers
Pierre Reverdy
Flower Market
Vicente Huidobro
Ars Poetica

Prologue to Futurism I
Carlo Carra
Demonstration for Intervention in the War
F. T. Marinetti
from The Manifesto of Futurism
Apres Ia Marne, Joffre visita le front en auto
from Zang Tumb Tuuum
from The Variety Theater Manifesto

Francesco Cangiullo: Detonation
F. T. Marinetti: A Landscape Heard
F. T. Marinetti: They Are Coming
Fortunato Depero: Colors
Paolo Buzzi
Aldo Palazzeschi
The Stranger
Nuns Go Walking
Prologue to Futurism II
Vasily Kamensky
Constantinople: Ferroconcrete Poem
D. Burliuk, Aleksandr Kruchenykh, V. Mayakovsky,
Viktor Khlebnikov
from A Slap in the Face of Public Taste
Velimir Khlebnikov
Incantation by Laughter
Four Poems
from Zangezi
Aleksei Kruchenykh
Declaration of the Word as Such
from Pomade
From the Sahara to America
Vladimir Mayakovsky
from A Cloud in Trousers
Screaming My Head Off
Mayakovsky's Suicide Note
Anatol Stern

Prologue to Expressionism
Wassily Kandinsky
Chalk and Soot
Else Lasker-Schiiler
Georg Trakl
George Grosz
To the Barbarian:

August Stramm
Paul Klee
The Wolf Speaks
A Friend
The Happy One
Gottfried Benn
Little Aster
Lovely Childhood
Man and Woman Go through the Cancer Ward
Night Cafe
A Bunch of Drifter Sons Hollered
The Evening
De Profundis
Revelation and Decline

Prologue to Dada
Tristan T zara
Zurich Chronicle February I9I6
Hugo Ball
The Sun
from Flight Out of Time
The Complete Sound-Poems of Hugo Ball
Tristan Tzara
Metal Coughdrops
Chanson Dada
from Dada Manifesto on Feeble & Bitter Love
The Great Lament of My Obscurity Three
Richard Huelsenbeck
"We Hardly"
Richard Huelsenbeck, Marcel Janko, Tristan Tzara
L'amiral cherche une maison a louer
Hans Arp
Kaspar Is Dead
The Great Unrestrained Sadist
The Man. The Woman
Francis Picabia
Spermal Chimney
from Eunuch Unique
Portrait de Tristan Tzara
Marcel Duchamp
Cast Shadows
Else von Freytag-Loringhoven
Holy Skirts
Kurt Schwitters
Portrait of Herwarth Walden
Anna Blossom Has Wheels
Murder Machine 43
from Ur Sonata
Theo van Doesburg
Still Life: The Table
Remembrance of the Founts of Night
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes
Andre Breton
The Mystery Corset
Andre Breton & Philippe Soupault
from The Magnetic Fields

William Butler Yeats
from A Vision and The Second Coming
Gertrude Stein
Identity a Poem
Rainer Maria Rilke
The Eighth Duino Elegy
Wallace Stevens
Dance of the Macabre Mice
Connoisseur of Chaos
James Joyce
from Ulysses
William Carlos Williams
The Locust Tree in Flower
D. H. Lawrence
Tortoise Shout
Ezra Pound
Canto 32
Canto 51
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle)
from Tribute to the Angels
Marianne Moore
Sea Unicorns and Land Unicorns
T. S. Eliot
[The Waste Land]
St.-John Perse
from Anabasis
Edith Sitwell
from Far;ade
Still Falls the Rain
The Madwoman in the Park
Osip Mandelstam
from Tristia
Whoever Finds a Horseshoe
Poem No. 286 (On Stalin)
The Charlie Chaplin Poem
Last Poems
Edith Sodergran
Vierge Moderne
Cesar Vallejo
from Tri/ce: IX, XXV, LXXV
The Hungry Man's Wheel
Telluric and Magnetic
Vicente Huidobro
from Altazor: Cantos I, VI, vn
Jorge de Lima
Distribution of Poetry
Papa John
The Enormous Hand
Poem of Any Virgin
J. V. Foix
When I Sleep, Then I See Clearly
I Arrived in That Town, Everyone Greeted Me,
and I Recognized No One. When I Was Going to
Read My Verses, the Devil, Hidden behind a Tree,
Called Out to Me Sarcastically and Filled My
Hands with Newspaper Clippings
Marina Tsvetayeva
from The Poem of the End
e. e. cummings
No Thanks, No. 70
Poem, or Beauty Hurts Mr. Vinal
Lucian Blaga
I Will Not Crush the World's Corolla of Wonders
Jacob Glatshteyn
To a Friend Who Wouldn't Bother to Strain His
Noodleboard Because Even So It Is Hard to
Go Hunting When Your Rifle Is Blunt and Love
Is Soft as an Old Blanket
Eugenio Montale
The Lemon Trees
The Eel
Little Testament
Paul van Ostaijen
The Murderers
Hart Crane
The Mango Tree
The Circumstance
0 Carib Isle!
Federico Garcia Lorca
Night Suite, for Piano & Poet's Voice
Ode for Walt Whitman

Prologue to Surrealism
Andre Breton
from Manifesto of Surrealism (1924)
Robert Desnos
Trance Event
Language Event One
Language Event Two
Andre Breton
A Man and Woman Absolutely White
Free Union
On the Road to San Romano
Go for Broke
Philippe Soupault
Life-Saving Medal
Sporting Goods
Louis Aragon
Poem to Shout in the Ruins
Benjamin Peret
My Final Agonies
Joan of Arc
On All Fours
Robert Desnos
Tristan Tzara
Maison Aragon
from The Approximate Man
Gisele Prassinos
Hair Tonic
A Conversation
Paul Eluard & Andre Breton
from The Immaculate Conception
Salvador Dali
The Great Masturbator
Max Ernst
from The Hundred Headless Woman
Anton in Artaud
All Writing Is Garbage
The Spurt of Blood

Prologue to "Objectivists"
Ezra Pound
Vortex. Pound.
William Carlos Williams
from Spring and All
Louis Zukofsky
from Poem Beginning "The"
George Oppen
Discrete Series
Charles Reznikoff
Carl Rakosi
A Journey Away
Basil Bunting
from The First Book of Odes
"Weeping oaks grieve, chestnuts raise"

Prologue to Negritude
Aime Cesaire
Macumba Word
Aime Cesaire & Rene Depestre
from Discourse on Colonialism
Leopold Sedar Senghor
Speech and Image: An African Tradition of the Surreal
Taga for Mbaye Dy6b
Man and Beast
The Kaya-Magan
Leon Damas
Just Like the Legend
Aime Cesaire
from Notebook of a Return to the Native Land
The Miraculous Weapons

Anna Akhmatova
Nelly Sachs
Chorus of the Dead
Chorus of the Stars
Hugh MacDiarmid
from A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle
David Jones
Miyazawa Kenji
Spring and the Ashura
Daydreaming on the Trail
Pictures of the Floating World
Bertolt Brecht
First Psalm (Posthumous)
Three Fragments
Alabama Song
Melvin B. Tolson
from The Harlem Gallery: Book I, the Curator
Henri Michaux
from Slices of Knowledge
Francis Ponge
The Oyster
from The Sun Placed in the Abyss
Wen Yiduo (Wen I-to)
Dead Water
Vitezslav Nezval
City with Towers
Trap Door
George Seferis
The Poplar Leaf
Mathios Paskalis among the Roses
Les Anges sont blancs
Laura Riding
Elegy in a Spider's Web
Gyula lllyes
Logbook of a Lost Caravan
While the Record Plays
Nazim Hikmet
Letters from Chankiri Prison
Langston Hughes
from Montage of a Dream Deferred
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
The Dead in Frock Coats 6
The Dirty Hand
Motionless Faces 6
Lorine Niedecker
Nicolas Guillen
Don't Know No English
Sense maya
Wake for Papa Montero
The Usurers
from The Daily Daily
Pablo Neruda
Walkin' Around
Sexual Water
Only Death
Louis Zukofsky
from Songs of Degrees
"A" 1
Kenneth Rexroth
from Prolegomena to a Theodicy
Kusano Shimpei
Birthday Party
4 or 5 Tadpoles
Skylarks and Fuji
Gunnar Ekelof
Like Ankle-Rings, This Music
If You Ask Me
Absentia Animi
Rene Char
from Leaves of Hypnos
Roger Gilbert-Lecomte
Preface or The Drama of Absence in an Eternal Heart
The Son of the Bone Speaks
Old Precept of the Dead World
Rene Daumal
from Clavicles for a Great Poetic Game
Persephone That Is to Say Double Issue
Short Revelation Concerning Death and Chaos
Miklos Radnoti
The Angel of Dread
Seventh Eclogue
from Crow's-Eye View
Paper Memorial Stone
Soyong Problems
from Critical Condition
Muriel Rukeyser
The Dam
Octavio Paz
Hymn among the Ruins

Prologue to Origins
Confucius I Ezra Pound
from The Great Digest
"Songs are thoughts, sung out with the breath. "
Alcheringa Definitions
Leopold Sedar Senghor
"The African image is not an image by equation. "
Allama Prabhu
For the Lord of Caves
Clayton Eshleman
Placements I
Robert Duncan
from Rites of Participation
Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones)
from Why's I Wise
Aborigine Sound Poem
Lily Events
from The Goulburn Island Cycle
Tristan Tzara
from Poemes Negres
The Dance of the Greased Women
Tropical Winter
Awotunde Aworinde
from I fa Suite in Praise of the Yoruba Oracle
Aime Cesaire
Ex-Voto for a Shipwreck
Three for Bear
Seven Songs & Song Pictures
Richard Johnny John, Jerome Rothenberg, lan Tyson
Songs from the Society of the Mystic Animals
Simon Ortiz
Telling about Coyote
from Cantares Hexicanos
Maria Sabina
from The Midnight Velada
The 13th Horse Song of Frank Mitchell
from The I Ching
The Marrying Maiden
Jackson Mac Low
Mani-Mani Gatha
Ezra Pound
Canto 49
Charles Olson
The Song of Ullikummi
Armand Schwerner
from The Thunder, Perfect Mind
Diane di Prima
from Loba
Doc Reese
01' Hannah
Bessie Smith
Black Mountain Blues
Naftali Bacharach
A Poem for the Sefirot as a Wheel of Light
Jacques Gaffarel
Celestial Alphabet Event
Edmond Jabes
from The Book of Questions

Index of Authors

Jerome Rothenberg is a poet and one of the world's leading anthologists. His more than fifty books include Technicians of the Sacred: A Range of Poetries from Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania (California, 1985). He is Professor of Visual Arts and Literature at the University of California, San Diego. Pierre Joris is a poet and has published over twenty books and chapbooks of poetry as well as many anthologies and translations. He is Professor of English at the State University of New York, Albany.

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