RR Bowker | Bowker's Complete Video Directory - 4 Volume Set, 2022 | Buch | 978-1-63700-231-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 7900 Seiten, Hardback

RR Bowker

Bowker's Complete Video Directory - 4 Volume Set, 2022

Buch, Englisch, 7900 Seiten, Hardback

ISBN: 978-1-63700-231-5
Verlag: R.R. Bowker

Since 1988, the Complete Video Directory has been the go-to source for complete bibliographic information on the thousands of video options available for public, community, and academic libraries across the nation.

Completely updated for 2022, this 7,000+ page reference directory provides details on over 72,000 entertainment and performance titles, as well as educational and special interest videos (documentaries, how-to's, certain sport titles, and other videos directed towards specialized audiences) and educational programs.

2022's Complete Video Directory is separated into four large volumes and contains fourteen thorough indexes. All indexes (except the Awards Index) are presented alphabetically, then numerically, ensuring effortless research for the user.

Volume I begins with a special "How to Use" guide, with information on editorial policies, a history of the publication, how to find specific entries, prices, arrangement of subjects, and more, followed by an enlarged sample video entry and a Key to Abbreviations. Following this is the Awards Index, arranged chronologically by the year in which the award was presented. Listed here are movies available on video that have won major international film industry awards, television programs that have won top Emmy awards, and video programs that have been chosen as the Best Program of the Year by the Video Software Dealers' Association (VSDA).
RR Bowker Bowker's Complete Video Directory - 4 Volume Set, 2022 jetzt bestellen!


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