Rugg / Petre | A Gentle Guide to Research Methods | Buch | 978-0-335-23019-8 |

Buch, Englisch

Rugg / Petre

A Gentle Guide to Research Methods

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23019-8
Verlag: Open University Press


A Gentle Guide to Research Methods explains what research is, and

guides you through choosing and using the method best suited to your

needs, with detailed examples from a wide range of disciplines. It also

gives you practical “nuts and bolts” advice about how to avoid classic

problems and how to get the most out of your project.

Written in a down-to-earth and highly accessible style, this unique book

provides an overview of the “big picture” of research and of how this links

to practical details. It covers the whole process of conducting research,


- Choosing a research topic and research design

- Data collection methods

- Data analysis and statistics

- Writing up

The authors also provide invaluable advice about planning your research

so that it can help you with your career plans and life aspirations.

Drawing on numerous examples from student projects, A Gentle Guide

to Research Methods will guide you through your project towards a

happy ending.
Rugg / Petre A Gentle Guide to Research Methods jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material


>The structure of this book: research design, data collection and

data analysis

>Taught degree projects: what they are, things to watch out for,

and practical points

>PhD second studies: what happens when your first study changes

your plans

>Strategies and principles: demonstrating excellence, exploring

territory rather than trying to prove a hunch, avoiding trouble,

and learning from the wise

>Choosing a topic, or cups of coffee, easy pickings and blaming


>Departments, systems and supervisors: how to behave like a

professional, get a good reference, and avoid needless trouble

>‘How do I get a good mark?’ – things that can send out the wrong

signal, and how to avoid these

>Academic writing: why it’s different from other writing, and how

to do it well

>Doing a good project: summary

1. About research

>Research: introduction to the nature of research, and types of


>Research questions, and the nature of evidence: deciding what

type of question to ask, and how to handle the various types of


>Mud pits and how to avoid them: things that go wrong

>Isms: necessary assumptions, dubious assumptions, and being

caught in crossfire

>Searching the literature: why, where, what for and how

>Research in society – agendas, context and the like: things

we take for granted, and things that can cause you trouble

2. Research design

>Types of design: which to use and how to use them

>Surveys and sampling

>Field experiments: doing research in the world

>Controlled experiments: changing things systematically and

seeing what happens

>Summary and technical terms

3. Generic advice

>Arranging a study: subjects, equipment, procedures, things to

remember, things to beware

>Location and kit

>Handling subjects


4. Data collection

>Data collection methods: the methods, and choosing and using

the appropriate method

>Reports: getting respondents to talk about how things happen

>Observation: watching what happens

>Card sorts: getting respondents to categorise things

>Laddering: unpacking the respondents’ concepts systematically

>Repertory grids: a systematic representation for respondents’


>Interviews: asking people questions

>Face-to-face interactions with respondents: the nuts and bolts of

asking questions

>Questionnaires: when to use, when not to use, which questions

to ask, what format to use

5. Data analysis

>Content analysis: what is said in a text, how it is said, and how

often it’s said

>Discourse analysis: who says what, about what, to whom, in what


>Knowledge representation: formats, structures and concepts for

making sense of knowledge

>Statistics: describing things with numbers, and assessing the odds

>Descriptive statistics: giving a systematic description of the

numbers you’ve found

>Measurement theory: types of measurement and their


>Inferential statistics: what are the odds against your findings

being due to random chance?

Conclusion: the end game

>Writing up: demonstrating your excellence efficiently, and

practical points to remember

>References and referencing: using and citing the right texts to

demonstrate your excellence

>What next? thinking forward about what you really want your

life to be

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