Sadker / Sadker | Teachers, Schools, and Society | Buch | 978-0-07-228795-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 624 Seiten, Format (B × H): 208 mm x 256 mm, Gewicht: 1315 g

Sadker / Sadker

Teachers, Schools, and Society

Buch, Englisch, 624 Seiten, Format (B × H): 208 mm x 256 mm, Gewicht: 1315 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-228795-0
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Ever since its first edition, education professors have relied on the Sadkers for their comprehensive coverage of all aspects of American education. From the underlying principles of teaching and schooling to the operation of schools, the fifth edition retains that same great coverage. But it also builds on this foundation. Now fully updated, with more exciting new material than ever, Teachers, Schools, and Society, Fifth Edition offers a structure unsurpassed in breadth. Written in an informal and highly engaging style that appeals to students, Teachers, Schools, and Society is punctuated throughout with interesting features and sidebars. Over 50 contemporary issues are discussed and there is a special guide that walks you through them. At en end of the text is a forty-page handbook on observing schools and classrooms that is filled with helpful tips and activities. The fifth edition offers new material on induction, technology, ethics, student diversity, multiple and emotional intelligence, national standards and testing, and the emergence of EMOs (Educational Maintenance Organizations).Combine all this with an excellent author team, detailed appendices, and a complete supplements package, and you have an extraordinary resource for introductory coverage of American education.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Teachers and StudentsChapter 1: Becoming a TeacherChapter 2: A Question-and-answer Guide to Entering the Teaching ProfessionChapter 3: Teacher EffectivenessChapter 4: Student DiversityPart II: Schools and CurriculumChapter 5: Schools and BeyondChapter 6: Life in SchoolsChapter 7: What Students Are Taught in SchoolChapter 8: Controversy Over Who Controls the CurriculumPart III: FoundationsChapter 9: The History of American EducationChapter 10: Financing and Governing America's SchoolsChapter 11: School Law and EthicsChapter 12: Philosophy of EducationPart IV: TomorrowChapter 13: The Struggle for Equal Educational OpportunityChapter 14: Technology in EducationChapter 15: Your First ClassroomAppendices

Sadker, Myra P.
Myra Pollack Sadker (1943-1995) pioneered much of the research documenting gender bias in America's schools. She was Professor of Education and Dean of the School of Education at American University. She died while undergoing treatment for breast cancer in 1995. Through her writings and lectures, Myra Sadker alerted Americans to the academic, physical, psychological and career costs of sexism. She wrote the first book for teachers on the issue of sexism in 1973. Over twenty years later, in 1994, she coauthored the first popular book on this topic: Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls. Between these two publications, Myra Sadker brought her cause for educational equity to a national audience. Along with her husband David, Myra Sadker spoke in more than forty states and overseas, giving hundreds of presentations and workshops for teachers and parents concerned with the negative impact of sexist behaviors. She wrote scores of articles on how to raise and teach children free from the debilitating impact of sexism. In her name, Myra Sadker Advocates was established to continue her efforts and create more equitable and effective schools. You are invited to learn more about Myra’s contributions and the work of Myra Sadker Advocates, including Myra Sadker Day – March 5th, by visiting the website established in her name:

Sadker, David M.
David Miller Sadker is currently Professor of Education and Director of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at American University. With his wife, Myra, who passed away in 1995, he coauthored five books, including Teachers, Schools, and Society (McGraw-Hill) and Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls (Touchstone Press, 1995). More than fifty of their articles have appeared in Phi Delta Kappan, Harvard Educational Review, Educational Leadership, and other professional journals. Their research and writing efforts received distinguished achievement awards from the American Educational Research Association, The American Association of University Women, the Educational Press Association, the American University, Harvard University, and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Sadker’s research interests have focused on foundations of education, educational equity, teacher preparation, and curriculum. He has codirected numerous grants funded by the U.S. Department of Education. He has conducted teaching and equity workshops for principals, teachers, and professors in over forty states and overseas.

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