Sadker / Zittleman | Teachers, Schools, and Society:  A Brief Introduction to Education | Buch | 978-0-07-337855-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 480 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 251 mm, Gewicht: 843 g

Sadker / Zittleman

Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education

Buch, Englisch, 480 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 251 mm, Gewicht: 843 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-337855-8
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Combining the brevity of a streamlined Introduction to Education text with the support package of a much more expensive book, the brief edition of Teachers, Schools, and Society encourages experienced instructors to explore their own creativity while ensuring that newer faculty can teach the course with confidence. David Sadker’s and Karen Zittleman’s lively writing style captures the joys and challenges of teaching. The text stresses the importance of fairness and justice in school and society, focuses on the most crucial topic areas, and integrates the most current issues in education. In addition, the wealth of activities included--from online video observations to portfolio-building exercises--offers a broad range of ways to introduce students to the teaching profession.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Teachers and StudentsChapter 1: The Teaching Profession and YouChapter 2: Different Ways of Learning Chapter 3: Teaching Your Diverse StudentsChapter 4: Student Life in School and at HomePart II: FoundationsChapter 5: The Multicultural History of American EducationChapter 6: Philosophy of EducationChapter 7: Financing and Governing America’s SchoolsChapter 8: School Law and EthicsPart III: Schools and ClassroomsChapter 9: Schools: Choices and ChallengesChapter 10: Curriculum, Standards, and TestingChapter 11: Becoming an Effective TeacherText Appendix 1: INTASC Reflective Activities for Your PortfolioText Appendix 2: Teacher Competency Exams and Praxis Sample Test QuestionsOnline Appendix A: State Departments of EducationOnline Appendix B: Summary of Educational Reform ReportsOnline Appendix C: Classroom Observation GuidelinesOnline Appendix D: Curricular Tension Points and TrendsOnline Appendix E: Q and A Guide to Entering the Teaching Profession

Sadker, David M.
David Miller Sadker is currently Professor of Education and Director of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at American University. With his wife, Myra, who passed away in 1995, he coauthored five books, including Teachers, Schools, and Society (McGraw-Hill) and Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls (Touchstone Press, 1995). More than fifty of their articles have appeared in Phi Delta Kappan, Harvard Educational Review, Educational Leadership, and other professional journals. Their research and writing efforts received distinguished achievement awards from the American Educational Research Association, The American Association of University Women, the Educational Press Association, the American University, Harvard University, and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Sadker’s research interests have focused on foundations of education, educational equity, teacher preparation, and curriculum. He has codirected numerous grants funded by the U.S. Department of Education. He has conducted teaching and equity workshops for principals, teachers, and professors in over forty states and overseas.

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